Didn't Clinton's buddy Carville say

Sure, the Ratweasel is lonely, he is now touring the poverty areas (trying to look good and "preserve" his legacy) and Hillery is off to NY, running for Senate (trying to distance herself from him.)

==My editing consisted of changing GOON to GOOD (either will work) :)
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 08, 1999).]
What bothered me the most about Carville's remark was the way it stereotyped and slandered the many good American citizens who happen to live in trailer homes--and yet the media didn't take notice or even care. The thing is, if Carville had said "ghetto," the press would have been all over him. Carville and his media allies are partners in elitism and political correctness. The folks who live in trailer homes are apt to be more decent and honorable than they will ever be!
I'd daresay that a great many folks who live in mobiles are Democrats too

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, well, presidential pit bull James Carville is at it again. This boot licking slime ball puts the prez and the pope in the same category. If there was ever an uglier, nastier, s**t eating sycophant on the American political scene I can't recall one. Being married to a Republican political analyst, Mary Matalan (sp?) is most interesting. It speaks volumes about the sheer cynicism with which both these people view the political landscape. Values mean nothing. Winning means everything. Situational ethics and moral relativism prevail. A prescription for disaster sure as hell.

Safe shooting - PKAY
The trailer allusion was not picked up by the media for a simple reason:
People in the Cities don't live in trailers.
The Media caters to city dwellers.

Since cities have the greatest concentration of economic and political power, it's easy to portray everyone "outside" as a beer guzzlin', NRA-in', Militia joinin', Sister marryin' white supremicist.

In short....they have no risk.
And, do you you know what happens in Arkansas when there's a tornado or a divorce?

Someone loses a trailer. ;)

(With sincere apologies to our Arkansas readers - but you did foist Bill on all of us!)