Did you see this weeks TIME?

Miss Demeanors

New member
The cover is a picture from the camera that caught Eric and Dylan on tape. There is an article that lists what the Government wants gunmakers to do. They are: Build safety locks, develop smart guns, cut off gun shows, write new contracts, refuse to supply dealers who sell a disproportionate number of guns, change advertising so it appeals less to criminals?

There is also a picture of the policemen with the recovered guns. I still want to know how they brought those into school without anyone knowing.

On the lighter side, there is a picture of one of the boys who was shot in the face. He is holding his fathers gun and says he wont give up shooting with his dad. :)
There is a 32 page expose on the Columbine shooting and its a real eye opener (started hearing about it on talk radio this morning).

ALL KINDS of stuff about the shoot was totally crazy.. not only the fact that no-one saw it coming.. but the fact that they were almost caught numerous times for slighter offences by thier parnets and others. They planned it a LONG time and you think they would have told someone too much.

Apparently you will soon see all 5 videotepes they made as "suicide notes" where they blame the school system .. the jocks.. the teachers.. everyone BUT thier parents. Its going to make EVERYONE re-think what they thought they new.

Also revelaved in TIME.. Kids were BEGGING the Jeffco cops to go in and were told to "go bellyache somewhere else" while on the denver swat team a senior memebr was FIRED for attempting to enter the school without authorization.

Bottom line about Columbine= we still won't know "why"

we know it was supposed to be FAR Worse (they wanted to kill over 250) but their plan fell apart

and sadly.. it looks like it was far worse because the cops DID NOT WANT to go in after them.

this story is far from over...

(PS I grew up in littleton and have friends who graduated from columbine, so this story has been close to all of us)


Graduated Arapahoe, HS 1985
Something I've been seeing on all the online nooz sites:

"Columbine gunmen wanted fame and bloodshed."

Well, I guess they got what they wanted, thanks to the nogoodniks in the meedja who are still whimpering about it 8 months later.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
It is an interesting issue whether or not
such publicity increases the risk of such.
Suicidal folks sometimes want to make
statements. They actually may regard
this incident as successful.

I heard that after LA TV stations started
broadcasting live car chases, the number
of car chases actually increased.

There is also chat that Time violated its
agreements with the authorities to do this

But if it bleeds, it leads.
Hard to say Time LEAKED it when Jeffco authorities showed it to TIME but NOT the victim's parents.. who had REQUESTED to see this material.

A LOT of people in this state are STILL seeking answers and the bottom line is that the authorities haven't been awfully forthcoming in providing that information.

More will be coming out in the next few days and I'd bet we are going to see some leadership/administaritive changes in jeffco/columbine area because of it.

The reason its still news is the story isn't over.

Dr. Rob you are correct the story is not over. Releasing those tapes for public viewing will create many new chapters to this story. Most prominantly will be the fame those two wanted. It will be fostered upon them by the copy cat shootings that these tapes will generate. There is severe moral problems in our society that are not clearly understood many people. The acceptance of violence is rising among young people. We will see it happen several times again this year.
I am one who is quite paranoid about such things. If I had lots of money I would hire a taskforce of investigators to search and detail every second in those kids lives for the previous 5 or so years. What I'd be looking is for any contact with outside influences and the like. In todays world I don't put it past our government to brainwash anybody.
There are too many questions about Waco, Oklahoma City and other incidents. I believe that the govt. is using all sorts of influence on our young people. Sorry, I've seen too much in my time. Sad times are ahead for the good old USA.

From my cold dead hands.
Good coverage by TIME and a must read for all of us. We got a better insight to these sick kids. And guns weren't even blamed until the little piece about what the govt is doing. But to me it pointed out the govt isn't answering the questions and problems raised in the article. They are apple and oranges.

An armed society is a polite society.
All we can hope for is that the government will keep their noses out of the education and moral upbringing of our kids. That's what got us into this mess in the first place.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Kids were BEGGING the Jeffco cops to go in and were told to "go bellyache somewhere else" while on the denver swat team a senior memebr was FIRED for attempting to enter the school without authorization."[/quote]
I think the LE community there in Colorado needs to get some reeducation about JUST WHAT THE HECK THEY HAVE BADGES FOR!
Police Chiefs and Sherriffs there need to get boot out of office... Had Officers bum rushed the place and entered fast and furious - they could have got more wounded out - saved that teachers life and possibly taken the shooters down. I dont know what the time table of the events were exactly... But I do know hanging around out side untill all the screaming stopped did no one a bit of good.

It did make the senior officers in charge look like big fools.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Its TRUE george....

Patrolman on the scene from Jeffco tactical 2 weeks after the event "Its NOT OUR JOB to GET SHOT AT" (my emphasis added)

There are accounts in the TIME article about a young man shot in the library (who new about guns) who escaped, told the police precisely HOW MANY SHOOTERS and HOW They were armed and WHO they WERE and what they were wearing.. and STILL the Jeffco authorities held off entering.

It now appears NO officers (other than the school cop who DID engage harris until he was out of ammo) EVER traded fire or enter the building until AFTER all the shooting had stopped. EVEN while frightened students held up signs to windows begging to be rescued.

911 tapes reveal (from CELL PHONE calls) from the library that the gunman stayed in the libabray a long time if the cops on the ground could have monitored the 911 calls... maybe they could have caught them there (but thta's another discussion.)

Like I said what went WRONG at Columbine (aside from the 2 psychos) is still coming to light.. from mishandled police case files on harris/kliebold to the principle's DENIAL that he knew the trench coat mafia existed (duh they were in the yearbook) and other such glaring ommisions that yeah WE ARE STILL asking questions.

Not just about why the killers acted out.. but WHY noone saw this behavior coming.. nor why authorities took so long to respond.

As one father responded :you had 500 cops around the place and not ONE of them required so much as a band-aid while 13 people were killed and dozens wounded" that's UNACCEPTABLE. He wrote the Jeffco sheriff DEMANDING his resignation. He also suggested that if the "SWAT TEAM was unwilling to enter that THEY GIVE THIER EQUPMENT to the MOTHERS waiting outside.. cause THEY HAD THE BALLS to go get thier kids." (i'm paraphrasing here)


like I said what lessons we are still learning from columbine aren't just that two screwed up repressed kids pulled the trigger.. but how screwed up the REST of the systems that surround our kids are daily.

Read up on it folks....


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 14, 1999).]
As long as they are printing photos, how about pictures of the dead perps, close up and in color! See if that deters he next bunch...