did whole range session both eyes open.


New member
and shooting improved a lot, probably my best pistol shooting yet. way easier to keep focus on front sight and shooting tighter groups, and i seemed to have no flinch/anticipation today. also tried thumbs forward though and the slide scraping my finger solidifyed my opinion that thumbs locked down is for me....but thats another issue. i just got to work on quicker sight picture aquisition during rapid fire as it doesnt line up as fast, but thinking ill continue this on handguns. i still can't get it to work on iron sighted rifles though.

i had tried 2 eyes open before but this was my first exclusive range session. 1911 and my revolver.
My father was insistent from the time that I was a little boy that all of us shoot with both eyes open, the same thing at our gun club.

The easiest way to train to do so was simply put on a pair of safety glasses and tape a square piece of paper over the lense of the unneeded eye and then practice with both eyes open.

Over a few weeks your brain will adapt your body to it and then you can remove the paper. My father believes that both eyes open improves your shooting and I agree with him but Im not really certain that I know why it works better.
I primarily shoot both eyes open, but there can be a time and place for one eye shut.

Shooting with both eyes open is more about seeing the big picture than it is about seeing the sights.

I shoot thumbs forward too, and dont have an issue with the side hitting my thumbs. If its your off hand thumb that is rubbing, you may want to adjust/rotate your grip downward a little more, so your thumb is on or along the frame, not the slide. Strong hand thumb, just shift it out a tad.

For quicker sight alignment with both rifle and pistol, constant dryfire and presentations will help a lot. Once you get the brain and muscle memory in sync, the sights should be 95-100% aligned when the gun comes up onto where youre looking on the target.

Youre main focus is a point on the target, not the sights. With a little practice, you'll see the sights appear, pretty much in perfect alignment, right where you were looking on the target as the gun rocks in or is shouldered.
Thumbs forward it was strong hand riding the safety, but i honestly like thumbs down more as a can transition revovler and auto with similar grip.
Hey, if you shoot well thumbs down, theres nothing wrong with that.

I wanted to do the forward ything since competitors seem to use it so well, but if it doesn't work it doesn;t work. The slide serrations rubbed by my thumb and decided to stop. Also, i wouldn't want to pull up a revolver and be in the thumbs forward and shoot...ouch. i remember the pics o a guys thumb who did that.