Did we win today?


New member
I heard that there was an important vote coming down today. Just wondering if freedom won. If not... somebody please tell me when we do.. I think I'm going to be busy trying to find a coupla hundred martyrs.

Far to young to be this cynical
IMHO, we are doing much better than we did in the Senate.. HR2122 is not perfect, but it is much better than anything else that I have heard or seen since Littleton.

Conyers Substitute Amendment just failed.. if it had been accepted it would have changed 2122 to look like the Senate bill, i was defeated 22X to 189.


HR2122 just got zapped... look out for much ofthe SEnate language to be adopted inteh conference committee.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 18, 1999).]
Freedom never "wins" with the passage of new restrictions. The anti-freedom lobby is victorious with any new law further impinging and thereby, de facto, repealing our Constitutional rights. This is, as I understand it, a 650-some odd page bill, covering everything from wire-tapping of pagers without warrants to additional mandatory jail time for committing a crime while wearing body armor...unless you're law enforcement personnel. I doubt that any of the politicos even read what they voted for. The simple, tragic fact is that we lose a little more of our country every time one of these monsters passes though the gates. And tomorrow, they will be back for more "reasonable compromises". The media and their politician allies are pushing this as a win for the "gun lobby". Am I supposed to be happy that the blackguards with MP-5's aren't planing to kick my door in just yet?

Read the pabulum that "your" elected officials reply with. If it's like mine, it says "I staunchly support your rights, but I just had to vote for this to fight those evil (fill in the blank with drugs, guns, movies, books, music, religions, children, etc.)". So we get legislation like this from the "Republicrats" and "Democians". The state, left to its own devices, will happily impose control over anything and everything. The Bill of Rights lies tattered and burned, rejected as "outdated". While I know that some rejoice at the idea of posting the Ten Commandments as public diktat, have you really considered that this means state-sponsored religion, no doubt with our own Torquemadas waiting in the wings?

Another sad day for the Republic...and another shining one for the fledgling Empire. And, fellow "fringers", there will be no escape for you this time.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."
GEORGE ORWELL, 1984 (a little late, but still on track)

[This message has been edited by RepublicThunderbolt (edited June 18, 1999).]
The Democrats demand a lot from us. The Republicans demand only a little - at a time.

You know how to avoid these losses implemented by the Democrats and Republicans.

Vote - for a change!
I've noted that you keep repeating the same message over and over in different threads.
"Vote - for a change!"

I completely agree. Voter apathy is what got us in this position to start with. We need to spread the message and repeat it over and over again until every single person eligable to vote gets off their dead asses and does so. Vote your own convictions but go vote! I believe that most Americans do believe in the same things we do. If we can get them to the polls, we will win.
I had a t-shirt made that says: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If you didn't vote, you don't have the right to complain![/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Thanks. I like that line because I can have it both ways:
1) Vote for a change - instead of NOT voting.
2) Vote for a change (i.e. Libertarian) - because the Democrats and Republicans have united and abuse us.

I won't belabor the point. Just insert all the same old arguments we TFL'ers have hashed out repeatedly!

Thanks again, Grayfox.
Voting for libertarians *might* mean not getting them in the office...probably one of the other two will win. Kinds like if the Poles were voting for for Stalin or Hitler back in 1939 reasoning that a Polish candidate had no chance anyway.

I will not deliberately vote for the enemy. If the vote fails, I'd rather have the worse enemy win anyway -- makes much easier to figure out where to aim.

Cornered Rat, now at bay
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
I really don't think there is such a thing as a wasted vote. Many blamed Perot for Bush losing to Clinton. But don't you think both parties noticed how many votes Perot got? It gave the republicans and democrates reason to pause and rethink their standing with the American people.
We have a local eccentric here who runs for mayor every election. He doesn't have a chance and frankly nobody really wants him to win. Yet, every time he gets more and more votes. Many people cast their ballots for him as a protest vote because they are sick and tired of both parties. People do notice. And so do the republicrats.