Did This Hog Drown?


New member
Went hunting this evening. The place was flooded really bad. Ducks were swimming under the feeder and eating corn.

Two young buck deer passed within 20 yards of my blind. One was a yearling, the other a two year old. The yearling was born there last year. Eating corn surely has worked for him. His young antlers are much larger than those of the two year old.

Just before sunset a hog passed about 30 yards in front of my blind. Thought it was a boar. Shot hog with my .50 caliber muzzleloader using a patched round ball. The hog squealed, flopped around in the water for about 45 seconds and lay still. Dragged the fat sow about 50 yards to dry ground and brought the truck around. Hog weighed 160-175 pounds.

I hate dealing with hogs after dark.
Drowned in its own blood, maybe. Looks like likely lung damage.

Your necropsy should have told the tale, but I'd say it probably didn't die due to water drowning.
I hate the after dark business myself. It's been a long time since I have had a regular sleeping pattern since I started dealing with hogs.
I hate the after dark business myself.

It takes 20-25 minutes to get the hams and backstraps in daylight. Took twice as long last night with a spotlight. i need a floodlight for the truck.
From what is evident by the shot, you made a low boilerroom shot. It would have been fatal. Water may or may not have sped up the process. I would not worry about it.

You did good.
That's the only title i could think of at 12:30 in the am. Shot was from a low elevated blind. The entry wound was 3-4" higher.

Hogs continue to root around in the water there.
It's not unusual for any fatally shot beastie to keep moving for 45 seconds or more. Even with a solid heart/lung shot.