Did the high capacity magazine importation amendment pass?


New member
Hey guys!

Help me out.

Did the amendment to ban the further importation of high capacity magazines manufacturered before the 94 ban pass the House?

Will it be in the final version of the Juvenile Justice bill?

It was my impression that it didn't, but I can't be sure.


- Anthony
I was under the impression that it did last night, by a voice vote. A recorded vote was deferred till today, which I missed. But then again, the entire bill was defeated this afternoon, so I guess it's a moot point.

I've also gotten minimal sleep and have been slightly ill (chicken pox vaccine) for the past few days, so I could just be talking crazy. Perhaps other more alert and awake members could verify...
Thanks guys.

I just read the news and saw that the entire bill got nixed...so I guess we won in the end, eh?

- Anthony
Folks, I don't think this is over by a long shot.

Did any of you see the dingy Congresswoman from Colorado last night on CSPAN, droning on about 'high capacity cartridges'? Cartridges!! On, and on, and on.

This isn't just a semantic mistake. I really don't believe these nutcases have a clue about what they're discussing.

Here is what I propose. We hear all the time about 'why would anyone need more than 10 rounds', and 'if you can't get it done in 10 rounds then you're dead anyway'.

So, let's have a Republican propose a bill to prohibit and confiscate / 'buy back' all magazines holding more than 10 rounds. All of 'em. Civilian ... military ... and LEO. I'll bet the military and LEO's are going to tell us pretty damn quick why they NEED more than 10 rounds. And so, we poor civilians ... which is it, since we're facing some of the same bad guys - are we supposed to be much better shots? Or, are our lives just worth less than the military or LEO's? I'm just so sick of that entire dishonest and illogical argument.

Gotta go now. Gonna see if I can buy some of those 'high capacity cartridges' ...

And, I thought it passed last night, but today has brought more confusion.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 18, 1999).]

That reminds me of a story told about a congressman who recieved a report about how many cattleguards were on the on/off ramps of the freeways.

His response to the report, "There's too many! We need to fire at least half of them!"



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
