did something really dumb.


New member
Ok, so I ran full mag of 9mm federal hyrda-shoks through the washing machine, Are these rounds definately toast?

No. I wouldn't trust them for SD, but I have washed a couple of my reloaded rounds through a heated sonic bath and they still shot fine.

Be careful shooting them, if you do get squibs, you'll definitely want to check the bore before sending another bullet down the barrel.

My guess is that they will still shoot. But they're now range-use only and careful range use only at that. Not ammo you'll want to use for practicing rapid-fire.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Cops, hunters, the military all get soaked from time to time and their ammo still works. I've spent many a day on a rain soaked deer stand myself. Never had a round malfunction. Now they were shotgun shells I admit, but I see no real reason handgun ammo would be different.

I'd still replace it for carry ammo and just shoot it at the range as John and the others suggested, but that's just being extra careful about it.
I often clean my range brass like that.
And have inadvertently done it with live ammo that was still in the jeans pockets.
It all shot just fine, even reloads.
Only one way to find out, though.
I once attended a three day training class that was held at an outdoor only range.
On one of the days it rained so hard our holsters were overflowing with rain water, totally submerged much of the day.
Our shoes were mighty squishy, too.
Nobody had any kind of ammo or gun failures.
The instructor was an old, crusty veteran and wouldn't hear of postponing things until the skies cleared.
"Trouble doesn't wait for good weather and neither are we."
So, we didn't.
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JohnKSa has some good advice. I assume (sometimes too much so) that others have heard of and/or experienced such things as squibs. If you don't know what a squib is...ask, google it, or talk to fellow shooters. Not just the OP, but anyone involved with firearms. It is not just a reloads, washed/wet rounds, low quality ammo manufacturer, etc. thing. It is an anytime and all types of rounds thing.

Another thought about wet rounds. I'm assuming that if water leaked into the case past the bullet crimp, that the powder would be wet enough not to ignite. I doubt that water could get in, reducing the volume of the case, and not get the powder wet. If you put something solid in the case with the powder that greatly reduced the volume, it would cause higher pressure. Water would do the same but the wet powder would make it a moot point...that was just me thinking out loud. :D

Like CajunBass says, it's highly likely to be fine. Factory tends to be moisture sealed better than reloaded ammo. Think in terms of frivolous laws suits.
A squib is usually an improperly loaded reload. Operator failing to visually check for powder.
They might be fine....but I wouldn't trust them either / fire them at the range, being very careful to guard against squib rounds.
I once had a friend who found a partial box of ammo that had gotten wet. He agonized for days over whether that 20 rounds or so was "ruined." I finally got so tired of his moaning and groaning over 20 lousy rounds, that I traded him some new ammo and shot up the "wet" stuff, which fired fine.

Well . . . you could always run them through the clothes dryer!?

Enough said already about whether they are good or not . . my question is . . . are any o you guys who run ammo through the wash married? One thing I learned "early on" in my marriage (and so far, it's lasted 44 years) was to "CHECK YOUR POCKETS!!!!" Not too long after we got married, I had a few 16 penny spikes that I forgot about and left in my pocket . . . needless to say . . . my wife was NOT happy! LOL And . . . it never happened again! :roll eyes:

Ammunition in the wash . . . she'd probably use it on me! :)
My better and (usually) smarter half doesn't care if brass gets run through the washer.
Just as long as it gets cleaned well afterwards and the door to the laundry is closed.
She did complain, though, when I used to reload on the kitchen counter and primers would sometimes get into the disposal.
Maybe, the wife ran one of her speed loaders with 6 rounds (my reloads) through the wash and found them after them making a racket in the dryer. Took them to the range and all went bang without issue. Guess I make some good stuff reloading:D
Good ammo is tighter sealed than you may think
No matter how hard it is raining, the water running over your clothes and holseter are probably not pressurized. In a washing maching the ammunition is likely sitting at the bottom of 20 gallons of water which creates a small bit of pressure.

I've washed rounds before without any issues. Especially 22lr.

I have limited washer access after washing my second load of laundry with a pen in it.

You may want to disassemble and clean/oil the magazine. Hot water and detergent probably removed all of your rust protection on the spring.
I may have done that before with different ammo... It shot fine at the range, although I paid particular attention to the recoil and report in case of funkiness.

I have had problems with oil impregnation (I guess) causing problems in .380 Hydra-shoks, though. If I carried them in a pistol to which had been applied more than the lightest possible lube, I would eventually get barely a *pop* with no noticeable slide movement at all from a few of those rounds. Never happened with the same ammo that had been stored in the box. Hopefully they used a better crimp / sealant on the 9mm.
We use pistol cartridges for our power heads when we spear fish. If the bullet can withstand 60-90 ft of water for ~45 mins (depending on depth and previous dives), I'm sure you 9s will survive the washer.