Did something get banned today?

chris in va

New member
Went to get a holster at a local gun store, one of the employees mentioned some type of gun got banned today.

I'm not trying to start anything, just wanting clarification. I suspect it was just rumor.
This is my only issue with gun stores.. they love to start rumors and keep driving their sales up. Granted not everything they say is B.S., but I've heard of lot of untrue stuff at gun stores...
Sounds like someone having themselves a very late April Fool's Day joke at your expense.

That said, today's tragedy will undoubtedly invigorate many anti-gunners with calls for banning whatever rifle was used in the shooting along with anything remotely similar.
Typical sales man crap..... I got 6 boxes of 223 for the range last week and as I was checking out the guy told me the Gov is probably going to stop ammo production and crank up 223 for the war effort, guess he wanted me to run back and grab all i could carry out the door.... DIDNT WORK!
Had that been a Assault type rifle rather than 2 handguns used in the NY state shooting, we were very close to something being put right at the top of the New Bann List. As far as sharp sticks go, they tell me that fire harden Hickory seems to hold it's point the best. orchidhunter
You've been buying guns for how long and you believe a stool sitter?:D

Remember the rule: anything you hear in a gun shoppe has an irrebuttable presumption of being false.
Some folks are very vulnerable to the lies and hype that is being put out by gunshow promoters and the all knowing experts who work at gun store counters.

Three cops were murdered in PA today. They may have been killed with a semi-auto rifle. Apparently the shooter was afraid that Obama would take his guns. According to some of his friends, the guy had also lost his job.


Police did not immediately release the gunman's identity, but his friends identified him as Richard Poplawski, 23. They described him as a young man who thought the Obama administration would ban guns.

One friend, Edward Perkovic, said Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon." Another longtime friend, Aaron Vire, said Poplawski feared that President Obama was going to take away his rights, though he said he "wasn't violently against Obama."
Three cops were murdered in PA today. They may have been killed with a semi-auto rifle. Apparently the shooter was afraid that Obama would take his guns. According to some of his friends, the guy had also lost his job.

Talk about hype. So what if the gun was afraid Obama would take his guns? As with the article, you mention the Obama thing and losing his job. Big deal. You neglected the part about the shooter apparently having been disruptive in the neighborhood previously including fights with neighbors.

Poplawski had often fought with neighbors and had even gotten into fistfights with a couple, Sand said.

"This is a relatively really quiet neighborhood except for him," Sand said. "He was just one of those kids that we knew to stay clear from."
If you really must comment about the Pittsburgh shooting, do it on the thread in general that has already been started about it. Not here. Not this thread.
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These gun store quacks are their own worst enemies. They are starting to get a reputation worse than used car salesmen.