Did somebody mention a gunowners' rally...

Larry P.

New member
in D.C. this fall? I seem to recall reading that in a post here, but can't find it or any other mention of such.

I plan to go to the area in the next few months, could possibly make it if I wasn't dreaming. Appreciate any help on such

Larry P.

When the Mexican Army demanded the surrender of a cannon by the people of San Jacinto, the answer they got was "Come and take it!" Thus began the first battle of Texas' war of independence.
There is talk of one in October, I believe... we were really hoping for One of the national Reciprocity Bills or the DC handgun ban being lifted, so that we could have a real (peaceful) show of arms... But it doesn't look like either will make it into law by then...
Larry: I was calling for one to be organized some time ago. Just got a msg from GOA that they were not interested in joining forces with the NRA because the GOA would not compromise as the NRA has done. Secondly, they were not interested because in 1994 not enough people attended their rally, they were looking for 20,000 and only about 10,000 showed. If at first you don't succeed, then try again. Keep hammering at them, as the anti's do us. As long as we remain divided we will be poorly represented and easy targets..
The GOA, from my understanding, was responsible, at least in part, for some Congressman voting against certain legislation last week.

For example, they apparently convinced at least one rep to vote against the national reciprocity for LEOs and retired LEOs simply because it did not mandate that everyone be allowed to carry concealed. Note that this had NO anti-GUn provisions at all.. it simply did not mandate any PRO-gun laws for the average citizen, and on that basis they opposed it.
That really steamed me, That amendment would've set a great precedent for National CCW reciprocity, and to oppose it (supposedly in the defense of gun owners) was ludicrous.

Well, if they do pull one off, perhaps we could all attend with drawings or photo's of guns? That seems to be enough to get in trouble today anyway ... ;)

Now, could you carry such a drawing concealed ...
i was thinking we should have 2x6s cut out to look like brown besses! Signs like these should be afixed:

http://www.myplanet.net/jeffhead/LibMarch /

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Introduction to The March for Liberty
By Joanie-f

There is something stirring in the heart of America ..... On October 2nd, in the mall area of Washington DC, adjacent to the Washington Monument, that stirring will have a
voice: a March for Liberty.

The people of America are going to exercise their right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, because, simply put, the government of
America has ceased to function as a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." The Constitution of the United States, the most perfectly envisioned
blueprint for government ever conceived by the mind of man -- the document which laid the foundation for the most moral, prosperous, successful nation in the history of the
world -- is under relentless attack. As a result of that attack, the God-given, Constitutionally-insured, liberties which Americans have enjoyed for well over two centuries are at
risk of extinction.

The March for Liberty will be an illustrative "call to arms," by those of us who will not sit idly by while those liberties which our founding fathers, and hundreds of thousands
of Americans who followed in their footsteps, pledged their very lives to preserve for us, are shattered. Join us on October 2nd. Listen to your heart! America is in the balance.

The March for Liberty continues to prepare. We now have organizations forming which are pushing for similar marches at state capitols on October 2nd of this year for all of
those who cannot make it to Washington DC. We have had over 10,000 hits on this web site in the first month ... BUT WE NEED MORE, MANY MORE, and every hit has
to represent dozens or even hundreds of folks who will attend !!!

Folks, there was never a time in the history of our Republic where the need for massive civil demonstrations was more necessary and more urgently required.

The enemies of liberty, who desire to foist their socio-marxist philosophy and government upon us and on the entire earth, are committed to the denial, infringement and
destruction of our our unalienable rights. They know that they must deny us of the methods to defend ourselves. Through contrived and exploited events such as the tragedy of
the school shooting in Colorado, they are foisting unparalleled, unconstitutional legislation on us all in an effort to do just this.

The new Federal gun legislation, the new California gun laws, the new Oregon gun legislation, the Connecticut legislation and the New Jersey legislation ... all either passed or
pending, make it clear that a full court press is being made.

WE MUST let these bureaucrats, appointees, legislatures and would be tyrants know that such infringements will not be allowed. We MUST HAVE in excess of one million
people at this event, and it must be spontaneous and it must send the clear message that We the People are fed up and demand redress and reversal of said infringements.

We have little time left and plead with liberty loving Americans everywhere to come and support the Mission Statement of this event on October 2nd in Washington DC.

We have also updated our Endorsment Page with this update.

Had our second rally in 12 months in Massachusetts. First one drew a couple of hundred people to the Bunker Hill Monument in the rain last year. This year we had 5000 on Boston Common. We found out that you cannot rely on the national groups to do it all. Check this out.
<a href="http://www.largo.org/">LARGO Lawful and Responsible Gun Owners</a>

Paul M
In discussing the Massachusetts Civli RIghts Rally I did not mention the role of GOAL, the Gun Owners Action League. Mike Yancino of GOAL has fought for years on Beacon Hill to protect our rights in Massachusetts. Its been a tough battle for him here in the People's Republic of Massachusetts. Don't forget we are dominated by Harvard, The Kremin on the Charles. Anyway it takes strong state and local organizations working at the grass rooots. While A&E and the other propaganda machines are beating up on the NRA, support your local state rifle associations etc. http://www.goal.org/hotline.html
Sometimes we do things backward in Massachusetts. Our Great and General Court is now having public hearings on a law they already past. This is an exerpt from the GOAL hotline above. Check out the website for more. It would be funny if this was not so serious....


Citizens Speak Out Against Chapter 180 Abuses
We've received a number of reports from gun owners who attended one or
more of the three public hearings held to discuss problems with Chapter
180, the state's new citizen control law. Here are some of the more
interesting excerpts:

"One person testifying said he couldn't get a straight answer as to what type case he needed to have for his shotgun. He flat-out asked the committee and their lawyers, and no one could answer. Then one of the attorneys mentioned there were people in the state 'helping' with those questions. He named one, who happened to be in the audience and who
ended up answering this question and a dozen others later, out in the hall. This evoked a pointed comment from one of the last people to testify. He said to the Committee, 'It's obvious you can't understand the law yourself. How can you expect the general public to follow it?
Didn't you people read this law before you passed it? Do you always pass laws you don't read or understand?' He received a loud round of applause for hitting the nail on the head."
Again read the rest. I hope we can rally enough gun owners in Mass to turn the tide in the next election.

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited July 07, 1999).]
DZ, I was not aware that this site existed when I started through this thread. There is another set of protest rally's scheduled for Aug 21 to be held at all State Capitals.
National Rally

August 21, 1999 at 1:00 PM

At every state capital in the United States in support of The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution

In light of the recent assaults on the second amendment and the character and culture of gun owners, a grass roots rally will be held on the steps of all fifty state capital buildings. These will be in prelude to the national rally in Washington D.C. next year.

Go see your government before it comes to see you!

Everyone likes the idea, so make the idea a reality by being there.
Ask for time off NOW! Tell your friends NOW!
Get involved NOW or find a new hobby.

For more information contact:

National Leaders - Glenn V. Domingo
Home: (630) 435-9915 after 6:30 PM
Pager: (708) 569-9369
Email: jbourila@xnet.com

Justin W. Gramm
Home: (630) 529-0272 anytime
Email: gizmonic@xnet.com

Alabama State Leader - Ken Mackenzie
Home: (256) 564-7573 after 5:00 PM
Email: kenmack830@yahoo.com

I am a contact person for Nebraska
Todd Fangmeier
Home: (402) 768-6702
Email: tcfang@navix.net

The other state leaders will be posted sometime this weekend on the website.
(link below)

National Rally Home Page: http://www.xnet.com/~gizmonic/themarch.html

If your State does not yet have a State Leader, contact Glenn or Justin if you’d like to volunteer!

Chat at: http://www.shooterstalk.com/ on the activist board under various threads.


"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."
Ecclesiastes 10:2

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 09, 1999).]