I like the gun but hesitate to recommend it everyone. I bought it on impulse during my Titanium/Air light phase. Plus, I also like 7 shot .38/.357 guns and had speed loaders etc for both a 686+ and a 627Ti Tracker.
My 242 is tight and unlike a lot of Ti examples I’ve seen very smooth in operation. Opening and closing of the cylinder and ejection is almost a smooth as some SS Smiths. Surprisingly, the DAO trigger pull is excellent. In fact only a couple of S&W I bought in the early to mid 70s had better out of the box actions.
But, I do not find the gun fun to shoot. Even with the added size and weight I find recoil to be more unpleasant than my 342. I think this has to do with the higher bore axis which causes more muzzle flip and torque to the wrist. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing the average shooter can’t deal with but I do not fine it an enjoyable range gun. I stand in awe of those who enjoy full power .357s in their 386s.
I also have found little incentive to carry it. Although it is light and compact, it is not as convenient as the 342, 642, P32, P9, Glock 26/19/23/30, PCR, P12, Defender, well you get the idea.
With all that said, let me add that like any true gun lover (nut?), I sure do get the hots for a 386PD every time I see one.