Did It Myself


New member
For the first time in about 20 years I did an action job on a S&W. I got my new M65 pretty slick. I didn't measure the pull but it's much better than it was. There were some bad rub spots inside that are now smooth. I'm happy with how it came out. I also polished the outside up a little and removed some sharp places.
I did shoot it last weekend. I put 9 rounds into a 6" square at 25 yards standing unsupported. I want to shoot it at paper when I get the chance.
Careful you don't stone any internal hardened surface. Such can expose softer metal which wears away prematurely and has the potential to create an unsafe handgun.
If the gun is new, the hammer and trigger are MIM parts and hard all the way through. Stoning may smooth things up a bit, but those parts don't have the tooling marks common on the old parts and which were smoothed down or removed by stoning (along with the thin case hardening).

If the gun is new, the hammer and trigger are MIM parts and hard all the way through. Stoning may smooth things up a bit, but those parts don't have the tooling marks common on the old parts and which were smoothed down or removed by stoning (along with the thin case hardening).

I think the OP meant new to him. The 65 was discontinued in 2004 I believe.