Did anyone see the Bill Curtis A&E special on Guns?

Will Beararms

New member
Tuesday night, 19 October,A&E sis a special on gun ownership in Texas. The gist of the story was comparing inner city violence through guns with hunting in South Texas. One scene would be a hospital in Houston with a young gang-related shooting victim hanging onto life. The next segement would be a youngster hunting with their parents on a game ranch designed for instructing young shooters in safety and sportsmanship. The show attempted to suggest that because of the irresponsible and criminal use of firearms by a criminal minority, none of us should have the right to keep and bear arms. We have already spent over five billion on the war on poverty, our inner city public school systems are in ruins and now they want us to give up our freedom. I'm sorry that dog don't hunt.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Missed the show because I don't watch much TV anymore. Thanks for the heads-up and I agree - "That dog won't hunt!"

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
This show was on in my area several months ago. It is a typical example of the bias constantly demonstrated by the media.

They showed the usual emergency room gore and doctors blaming the guns in society for the violence. This is like blaming Stukas and Panzers for the violence perpetrated by Hitler.

I do remember the little girl who was attending the hunting camp, it appears they were trying to get across the idea that the NRA indoctrinates young children into the evil gun culture.

Just more propaganda from our opponents, did you expect anything more from the Media?

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Missed the show, which is probably for the better since my Bp would have shot through the roof. I am however not at all surprised by what our media does. The only consolation is that when the fhit hits the san they are usually among the first to get whacked.
I saw the show you're talking about. Here it was part of a week long "special" that A&E ran.

They promoted it by saying, "See both sides of the gun issue!". But guess what they really aired?

Along with the usual b.s. the media shows, they also had a teenager who was involved in a shooting. His parents owned a gun. When they asked this teen if he thought guns should be banned after he himself had been a victim, he said no, because people should be held responsible.

Bill Curtis dismissed this as the power that guns hold over people. (I don't remember the exact quote, I was too busy trying to reach in the screen and choke him)

Yet another show full of ^#!* :(

[This message has been edited by Drew (edited October 21, 1999).]