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Did A Recent Thread Completely Disappear or ...?


New member
Is it my imagination or did a recent thread completely disappear into thin air? I am speaking of the one regarding the robbery of a truck full of guns recently somewhere down south...and evidently also credit information was also supposedly stolen at the same time. Not only can't I find the thread any more on the forum, but when I do a search through my own posts (I posted in that thread) it doesn't come up. Was it taken off by the mods? If so, can anyone tell me why?
OK, now you guys are scaring me...where did that thread go? I would be absolutely certain it was on TFL. It is not so much the things that I forget in my old age that scare me, but the things that I apparently completely make up! Can anyone help...? Is the clue to be found in the bottom of the original (and now only) post which says "Last edited by Art Eatman : 04-23-2007 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Combined Threads." Did some of the posts get moved over to another thread, and disappear in the process? There were a whole series of posts in reply. Something wierd is going on here. I better go take my medication.
Sounds like your thread was merged with another, with the other thread's title preserved rather than yours.

Was it over a week since you visited the missing thread? The forum default is to leave a temporary redirect to the merged thread, and that disappears after one week.

If you can remember distinguishing keywords from the thread, do a forums search and see if it'll lead you the the merged thread.
Capt Charlie and Mal--thanks for your suggestions. I am continually impressed with you guys and all the staff on this forum. Unfortunately I struck out on finding it another any other title or merged with any other thread. I used the words "reckless" and "padlocked" to describe the way the company may have handled the credit data and neither word shows up in a search. Neither does it show up under a search in posts I have contributed to, and it is gone (at least all the replies to the original post which may actually have been the Johnc linked post) from the forum. It is not the end of the world. I was mostly curious on whether anyone else felt that there was no reason why credit data should have been stolen along with the guns. The two are not "padlocked" together and it is bad enough guns were stolen, far less credit data with them. It seems a "reckless" use of security for credit. It was definitely on TFL, since, other than my own local gun forum, it is the only forum I contribute to and it definitely was not on the local forum. And it was definitely within the last two to three days that I posted on the thread. Something strange absolutely happened.... But I suspect the world will survive without reading and responding to my views on the subject!
Just got back.

With the clue you mentioned (and that I hadn't seen before) about the "combined threads", it does look like two threads were intended to be merged, but it would appear that there was a glitch. There is no trace of the thread that you had posted in. This is an extremely rare occasion, but I fear it is lost. Obviously unintentional, but lost nonetheless.