Dick Morris on Larry King


New member
Did anyone else see this program tonight. I was working on the 'puter while it was on but I thought I heard "Dickie toes" say his polls show the american people want more gun control.

Now when I voted on Vote.com the day he headlined the gun control poll I thought that I saw the Pro gun side winning.

I really should pay more attention to the tube, but this damn computer keps eating up my free time, especially websites like TFL.

Geoff Ross
Dick Morris has an agenda......and it don't include the right to own firearms. These liberals have got to go! They'd like nothing more than to re-define the entire constitution to reflect what THEY think is right.............not what the founders thought! God, I hate the bastards!

Funny-- when *I* voted on his website, the results showed that we were well in the lead against gun control.

Lying? Misleading? Exposing the true nature of a man that Slick Willy had put a Lot of stock in as a spin doctor?

According to Vote.com, we're still ahead 70 to 30 or thereabouts. 13 days left in the poll. I guess that as long as more than one person voted "yes", Americans want more stringent gun controls, and the "No" voters are just dismissed as the "lunatic fringe".
The reason people like Dick Morris have an impact is because the Republicans will not stand up at every conceivable chance aand refute them. When you are darned if you do and darned if you don't------do it anyway!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited November 19, 1999).]
This is absolutely absurd. Does anyone have contact info for the Larry King show? He needs to know what a deceiving punk he's had on the show - his own damn website belies his statements!
My wife and I both voted against the "more gun control" question. (Okay, okay. So I voted "for" my wife... but I told her how she voted! ;) )

When our acknowledgements came back, mine showed "no" but hers showed "yes"!

I sent Dicky a nastygram full of Badonyas explaining the discrepancy, saying I would not be back, and I would spread the word that votes are tallied improperly.

What's the use of voting if Dicky changes your vote to suit HIS cause???