Diamond rear peep for pistol

Futo Inu

New member
I could have posted this here, or Gear, or the Semi-Auto forum, but wanted to get the opinions of some experienced competition shooters. Participated in my first IPSC (newbie) shoot last weekend. Did OK - gun did not malfunction, brain did, but it was fun. At any rate, I don't want to go off half-cocked switching up (buying) any gear just yet. But I did have one small bit of gear envy: The experienced instructor/scorer, on his 1911, had one of those diamond rear peeps (adjustable of course), whereas my 1911 has the plain square notch adjustables, which are very nice and accurate for take-your-time firing. But,

Question: Are the diamond peeps, or peeps in general for that matter, going to definitely help me (or anyone) get a quicker sight picture and get off an A-zone shot quicker in IPSC/IDPA?
Question: Are the diamond peeps, or peeps in general for that matter, going to definitely help me (or anyone) get a quicker sight picture and get off an A-zone shot quicker in IPSC/IDPA?

Abswer: I (briefly) had one of the diamond peeps from Caspian. I cannot see the point to it. I cut the top off to make a V notch and it was no better. Probably too deep a notch for the express rifle effect.

At least a circular peep has some optical theory going for it, although not nearly as much as when close to the eye on a rifle. Some people like and do well with them. *Definitely* help you? No way for me to tell. You just gotta try it.

That is for IPSC.

You may NOT use a peep or ghost ring sight in IDPA. To quote the rules: "The following modifications are SPECIFICALLY DISALLOWED IN ALL DIVISIONS... sights of non-standard configuration (i.e. ghost rings, etc.)"
I asked this same question on Brian Enos' Web site. The consensus was that the sight is a passing fad with nothing to offer...