Dial 911 And Get a Busy Signal


New member
Last week my neighbor's attached garage caught on fire. The neighbor and at least two other folks dialed 911 and got busy signals for five minutes. The local TV station investigated: The emergency call center could only give excuses. It turns out that only two computers at the emergency call center have enhanced 911 software.

We live out in the county. The county formerly had it's own 911 call center-a very good one. We were sold a bill of goods by the city who wanted a consolidated city/county emergency call center. They promised all kinds of stuff-now this. Now they claim that they now have a spiffy system that allows them to pinpoint the location of a 911 call from a cell phone, oh yeah.

My neighbor lost a late model car and his motor cycle in the fire. His home has many tens of thousands of dollars in damage.