Detroit is No Better Than New Orleans With PD Gun Sales


New member
Yep. Tucked into the left side of today's front page, a bastion of liberal pablum, the Detroit Free Press, offers this article about Detroit's PD selling guns on the used gun market, and subsequently blaming and suing the gun manufacturers to recoup for monetary losses actually due to the inadequacies of the increasingly liberal judicial system, and indeed their own department's shortcomings.

The 14 tons (!) of weapons sold to dealers/distributors make Detroit the largest supplier of the 12 cities currently with suits pending against the firearms industry.

Of course, our illustrious mayor claims he was unaware of this policy.

The math doesn't seem to work, though. From what I can determine, they sold 5-6000 handguns, and an unstated number of shotguns. Confiscated weapons are supposedly destroyed. Yet they say 14 tons went to used weapons sales? I don't quite get it. Must have been a sh!tload of shotguns.

An interesting quote from the story:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
At the time their lawsuits were filed, city and county officials said gun makers and some dealers use the strategy of "willful blindness" to maintain an illegitimate gun market.

Perhaps the firearms industry should counter-sue the PD's involved, alleging that they were also practicing "willful blindness" and unsafe weapons trafficking.

The whole story:

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.