Detective Special - info?


New member
Found for sale a Detective Special serial # P126xx in very good condition.

Would appreciate:

Date of manufacture? (have looked on the web but cannot find any sites listing this info)

What would be considered a good price? He is asking $275.

Any other info that you might consider relevant to someone who is very unfamiliar with Colt handguns.

Thanks in advance.
The older it is, the more likely you should be to buy, as the quality should be better.

That isn't necessarily a recommendation, though.

I own a DS-II (a DS w/ different lockwork),
which I consider my worst gun, but it's only 3 years old.

$275 isn't awful, but you might go to the library or gunstore w/
a good book section to find the Blue Book, as I'd think anothe $50 off is doable.

Colt's lose their timing more than other guns, but they do lock up tight for accuracy
(not a problem in my DS-II, when it actually locks up) and hold an extra round
compared to the competition.
Colt DS Price

nzed, According to the Blue Book the $275. price should be a fair price depending really on the condition. I can't locate a date per seriel but if it's an original with an unshrouded ejector rod and in real good codition I believe I'd grab it.
If I remember correctly I paid about $250. for my 70's vintage DS.

Hope this helps;)
i'd buy it at that price unless it was really beat up

very accurate guns with good triggers that can be tuned to be great. uses the same speedloaders as the k-frame smith

Thanks to all those who replied.

By the time I got back to the seller, that particular detective special had already been sold.

Stopped in today on my way home from work just to see if he had any other detective specials on hand. Had another one there.

Serial number C167xx. Not in as good a condition as the first one I saw but in decent shape. Some bluing gone but not bad. Slight play when cylinder locked, maybe 1/16" back and forth. Put money down on this one. Got it for $220 out the door.

Can anyone tell me the date of manufacture for the above serial number?

It has Pachmayr grips on it (rounded butt) but would like to get wooden grips for it. Best place to find wood grips?

Any/all information will be greatly appreciated.


Bob Petrey

Thanks to all those who replied.

By the time I got back to the seller, that particular detective special had already been sold.

Stopped in today on my way home from work just to see if he had any other detective specials on hand. Had another one there.

Serial number C167xx. Not in as good a condition as the first one I saw but in decent shape. Some bluing gone but not bad. Slight play when cylinder locked, maybe 1/16" back and forth. Put money down on this one. Got it for $220 out the door.

Can anyone tell me the date of manufacture for the above serial number?

It has Pachmayr grips on it (rounded butt) but would like to get wooden grips for it. Best place to find wood grips?

Any/all information will be greatly appreciated.


Bob Petrey
Sorry for the double post before.

I didn't let this one get away.

Put money down on it and will probably pick it up next week.