Destructive Devices

40mm grenade launchers like the M203 and M79 can be bought just like machineguns and suppressors - the process is virtually the same and the transfer tax is $200. Only difference is that for an interstate transfer, you'd need to find a dealer in destructive devices. Similarly, one could (in theory) buy 40mm HE ammunition, but each round would have to be separately registered (and cost you another $200 tax each). In reality, however, even if you could get a signoff for 40mm HE rounds, you wouldn't find any manufacturer willing to sell them to a civilian. What most M203 and M79 owners do is just shoot chalk practice rounds, flares, and/or the 18 shot .22 round by Randy Shivak.
One problem is that there are very few licensed dealers in DD's. It is a separate license (Type 9), and with few sales and little profit, most dealers don't bother. I have been told (I don't vouch for the info) that there are only two DD dealers in PA, where there are dozens of Class 3 dealers, and some states don't have any, which means no one in those states can buy any DD.

have been told (I don't vouch for the info) that there are only two DD dealers in PA, where there are dozens of Class 3 dealers, and some states don't have any, which means no one in those states can buy any DD.

No, if you don't have a type 09 or 10 FFL in your state, you just have the gun transferred through a "normal" FFL. The DD is still a firearm and an FFL can receive it in interstate commerce. The only difference is that the transfer to an FFL who's not a DD dealer or manufacturer is taxed, so you'll pay $400 in taxes instead of $200.

I've also heard that the BATF will allow a non-DD SOT to transfer a DD tax-free if there's no DD dealer in the state and the SOT hasn't done any DD transfers yet that year.
Thank, Clever, sounds like BATFE has made a rule to get around the problem. But if I wanted to get a DD, I think I would verify everything through BATFE before wading into that pond.
