Despite the heat,,,


New member
I went to the range with a Mossberg 340KC I just inherited.

It has the Mossberg peep sights mounted on it,,,
My first five shots at 50 yards were covered by a quarter.

Granted I was shooting off a bench with a front rest and a rolled up blanket,,,
I'm amazed at how easy it is to hit well with this old vintage rifle,,,
Within 25 rounds I had dialed the sights to the bullseye.

It's inherent accuracy seems to be on a par,,,
With my brand spankin' new CZ-452 Special Military Trainer.

The odd thing is that this old rifle has practically no money value at all,,,
The 2010 Standard Catalogue of Firearms puts it at best $150.00,,,
I got the same price from the 2010 Blue Book of gun values.

Go figure,,, :confused:


The old Mossberg semi autos will give custom 10-22s a run for their money too . I've got a 352 that I can shoot bumble bees with . Or shoot the tacks holding the target to the backboard .