Desperately Looking For An M48 Yugo Firing Pin And Spring


New member
I recently got a Yugo M48 for real cheap, but apparently the former owner put in a K98 firing pin and spring, and it's too long. I just spent 3 hours on the Internet looking for the parts, but they are either all sold out, or just don't have them. I looked at all the obvious places, like Numrich, TGP, buymilsurp. All sold out. I even went to all the online gun seller auction places, no joy. Does anybody know of any place that has them in stock, or possible have an extra they might sell me from their parts stashes?
I will ask the Smith , he's in the next office.

What price range are you hoping for for Spring & fp? I'll run the numbers by him to narrow the zones.
All of the Yugo parts have dried up from the usual sources. There were several that popped up on eBay a couple of weeks ago. Most of them had FP, spring and cocking sleeve. You just have to be patient.

The standard 98 spring can be cut down, but that is not feasible for the firing pin. (It is not impossible and might be done in an emergency, but I don't recommend it if finding the correct firing pin is even remotely possible.)

Numrich Arms Part number Part #1064040,
Its a 1903 Turk Firing Pin, it will fit your Rifle, May have to do some minor fitting. Ive got one for a spare.
I will ask the Smith , he's in the next office.

What price range are you hoping for for Spring & fp? I'll run the numbers by him to narrow the zones.
SGT.Major B.C.Vega
ERT/SWAT 2004 - 2006 USASF 2006-2008
SFODD (CAG) A - 2008 - 2011,
Tactical Instructor Current

30-35 bucks?
You won't find any M48 series FP's on the market - so no need to look further. I second the M1903 Turk FP. It will work nicely in your M48. I've been using one for several years. As for springs, get a Wolff Service Pack and replace all of the springs in the rifle. Doesn't cost much and will head off reliability issues with the old springs.