Desert Eagle MVII

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don leo

New member
Saw a decent price for a Desert Eagle MKVII .44 magnum in a 10 inch barrel:
(1) Has anyone had any experiences with this model? Good or bad?
(2) Is the MKVII discontinued?
(3) How does the MKVII compare to the MKXIX?
(4) Are MKVII components interchangeable between calibers as the MKXIX is interchangeable?
Any responses apreciated...
don, I know the split handgun forums is going to take some getting used to. This is a duplicate of the thread in General Handguns, so I'll leave that one and close this one. In reality it should have been in Semiautos, but we have decided to let handgun threads fall where they may and depend on the members to start them where they want them. That is without duplicates, however.
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