DeSantis holster question.


New member
I recently became the owner of a Ruger LCPII which I intend to pocket carry. The gun came with a pocket holster which isn't a bad holster, but it does tend to slide out a bit with the gun. I had already planned on buying a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster for my LCPII, but I see they now have a newer holster called the Super Fly, which is basically a Nemesis holster with a removable flap that is attached with Velcro to further break up the outline of the gun in your pocket making is even more concealable. I'm now trying to decide between the two, however, on a recent trip to my local gun dealer, I discovered they no longer carry DeSantis holsters. We have a Cabela's, Bass Pro Sops, and Gander Mountain in my area and none of those stores carry DeSantis in the store. SO, I am unable to try out either one in my pocket before ordering one on line. :mad: I like what I see with the Super Fly, but have a couple concerns. Is it too bulky for comfortable carry, especially when sitting, and does the extra attached flap make it harder to grab and draw the gun from the pocket? Does anyone here have personal experience with both holster, or with the Super Fly in particular that you can give me your own personal opinion of the Super Fly? Your input is most appreciated. Here is a photo of the Super Fly holster.


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I have a Super Fly Holster. It lives in a drawer.
I found it to be too bulky to fit in most pants pockets. Plus I found it janky to get to the gun. Works ok in a jacket pocket. I find a good IWB appendix carry much more comfortable and accessible. Probably give it another chance this summer when wearing shorts. On the positive side it does stick well inside the pocket. Good luck in your search.
No experience but I recently bought a Taurus 709 and had to research pocket holsters..

I quickly came to conclusion that the Nemesis is a favorite among pocket carriers, It was hard to find anyone saying anything bad about it.

The superfly seems to bulky from what I seen and Calmer seems to verify that fear. it's also more expensive.

Im planing on picking up a nemesis but won't be able to test it out for about a month so "hands on" experience I'll have to get back to you.

But from my research I'd go with the Nemesis.

If you need to find one online goto Desantis website and find the one marked to fit your gun.

You can buy them on also you can copy/paste the holster "fit"# into (use to be slickguns) and it will hunt down the cheapest price for you.

shipping is kinda a killer at most places though.. you'll probably pay less then 20 for the holster and then 10 on shipping.. so you might wanna pick up other stuff when you order, that's what im planing and hence won't have "hands on" for about a month.

Might also check ebay.
I was using a Desantis Nemesis for my LCP. It worked fine, but was still a bit thick. So, I bought a Blue Force Gear pocket holster. It works fine also but without any bulk.



I'm not a fan of any of the DeSantis holsters that I've tried -- particularly the LCP holsters.
Too thick, not terribly well designed, and often poorly executed.

For cheap holsters, I'd rather use a comparable Remora. (In my opinion, DeSantis is well within the "cheap" category.)
Remoras are at least put together better, with some thought put into finished edges, stitch type and material, where seams go, where seams overlap, which side of the material a stitch is finished on, etc.

The Blue Force looks promising.