

New member
Noone ever seems to talk moddefrn Derringers, heck they sdell enough of em and many are used in CAS events.
I know they are frowned upon for S/D but ads in the gun books sure promote em for that and I'm sure more than a few have been used too!
Heck I really enjoy plinking with botth my .38 and .22!
How bout you dguys?
4- derringers, Remington .41 (definitely b.p.) American Derringers in .45 and .44-40 (sometimes shoot b.p.), and a Cobray .45/410.
MyDavis 22 is a bit small to hold but my 38 Cobra with Cobra factory thumb grooved rosewood grips and chrome finish is a pleasure tohold aand fire! Kicks abit but that's a big hunk of lead!
Fun and dependable pistol that WILL save you in a pinch!