
James K

Member In Memoriam
Just thought you folks might like a look at a Deringer I picked up recently. It is in excellent shape, very tight, and I plan to shoot it as soon as the weather warms up a bit.

(The yellowish hue is a trick of the light; the gun is nickel plated with almost 100% remaining.)



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Hi, SDC and guys,

Nope, when I say "Deringer" I mean Deringer. Here is a photo of the barrel marking. The company made revolvers in .22 and .32 rimfire; this one is .32. It is listed in Flayderman's (8A-050); the book says some 4000 were made, but a man I spoke with who has done extensive research on Deringer says that it was only about half that. This one is number 426; there are no markings on the side of the barrel, only on the top.

Apparently, S&W took one look at Deringer's revolvers and called in the lawyers. Deringer stopped production (1879) and those were the last guns the company ever made.

Incidentally, the fellow I bought it from thought it was an S&W and that it was a bargain. Actually, these are worth less than an equivalent condition No. 1 1/2 Second Issue, but the price was OK. Deringer even made a number of improvements. The "pushbutton" latch is a better design as is the internal cylinder stop, and the firing pin is offset so as to strike a wider area of the cartridge rim, probably an advantage in those days.

(Sure, I could have bought an S&W, but then I wouldn't be having all this fun with a Deringer that isn't.)



  • Deringermark.JPG
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Very interesting, and a nice find; I thought "S&W" at first too, but the bottom latch put that out, and it looks very "Merwin & Hulbert"-ish. Enjoy :D