Dept.of Education run by crooks and communists


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For years I have been on a mission informing many that the Dept of Ed. was corrupt the NEA was nthing more than a communist front....and they are the real reason behind why Americas kids would soon be the laughing stock of the free world

a few stories for your consideration....



A bombshell report charges the Board of Education with widespread criminal abuses -- including padding class rosters with the names of dead kids to scam millions of dollars in aid from taxpayers.

Doctored records -- a violation of state and federal criminal laws -- were uncovered system-wide by the Moreland Act Commission in its nearly yearlong probe of the city school system, said sources who disclosed details of the report expected later this week.

"This was like shooting fish in a barrel," one investigator told The Post. "Almost everywhere we looked, in all five boroughs, we found something."


The fraud of
education reform

By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
© 1999

In my last column, I reviewed Charlotte Iserbyt's new book, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," in which the author points out how the educationists have advanced their agenda by creating education crisis after crisis, all of which call for reform, but none of which actually solves a genuine educational problem, such as the teaching of reading. What all of these reforms do is continually advance American education in the direction of a socialist new world order.

There was a time when the National Education Association openly admitted that its goal was world government. In a January 1946 NEA Journal editorial entitled, "The Teacher and World Government," the editor wrote,

In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher has many parts to play. He must begin with his own attitude and knowledge and purpose. He can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation. ... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession.

But since the American people have expressed no burning desire for world government, the educationists have had to resort to the dialectical technique to advance, stage by stage, from crisis to crisis, to what the educationists ultimately want: a system totally controlled by behavioral psychologists and social engineers molding children for a collectivist society.
You're just now posting this?

What a horrible demise we are heading for. Instaed of teaching them Constitutional government, with citizen participation as it is intended, they are being taught to look straight forward, shut up, and above all don't think independently.

"OK little kiddies, we don't want you participating in government, we just want you to fear it. Here - have some Ritalin..."

CMOS (hoppin mad)

GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!

[This message has been edited by CMOS (edited December 12, 1999).]
No I've been screaming this for times it seems useless as the song says I feel I'am "screaming in the dark".....what gets me is the "republicans" who promised to scrap the Dept.of Ed in 94....won the house then gave them more money.....if you think I'am PO think about Samuel Blumenfeld the above author... he has been trying to wake folks up since the 70's.....he wrote the first full-length expose of the NEA....called "NEA ..Trojan Horse in American Education"
How about the Zero Tolerance Weapons policy? Isn't that a scam. I mean come on, banning nail clippers? It's pretty obvious that they want to create a generation of people who believe that they have no rights to anything that the government says might hurt them. Getting them used to the idea of "Big Brother" knows best. Just more Globalist socialization. The sad thing is that alot of these kids are bying it, and the parents don't seem to care.
I can no longer go into my local gun store and buy the gun that tricked my trigger, now that the kids have come along. Why??.......Private school tuition.
Don't get me wrong, I would'nt trade my kids for all the money in the world, but after taking a good look at the public school system and seeing ALL that it entailed. My wife and I decided we would sacrifice our "wants" and send the kids to a school where the parents had the say so, not the NEA or government.
Well, I can't defend the teachers, but I can at least defend the three principals that I've had to deal with in the past year. From the teachers, I have had notices come home that were full of spelling and punctuation errors (and they're teaching MY kid?), teachers drive across the school lawn because they didn't want to wait for traffic to clear out, a teacher who gave my daughter a 120 on a states and capitols test, yet my daughter had 27 spelling errors. She was in 7th grade! Had 'Great Job!' on the top. Before you yell at me about her spelling, I'm an insta-Dad of less than 18 months. I'm playing catch up. Mom was a single parent doing her best, but couldn't watch everything all the time. Now Daddy's on duty. I also had a teacher this year who couldn't read my 10 year olds writing, so she sent him home to type it in on an AlphaSmart (kinda like a laptop). Well, that will improve his writing skills, won't it? He rewrote it, and I sent a polite nastygram to her about her unacceptable practices. In all cases, the principals were quick to act upon my written complaints. So all is not completely lost. Maybe my neck of the woods just hasn't been infected yet?
The more I read about this women....the stronger my feelings about .....women been givin the right to vote was Americas first mistake.....flame away :-)

NEW YORK (AP) Hillary Rodham Clinton said New York state's public schools are not as good as they should be.

''For every school that is clean and sparkling and equipped with the latest educational technology, there are too many whose ceilings and walls are literally falling down,'' she told representatives from various religions Friday.

''For every teacher able to give her students the personal attention you need to master the basics, there are too many teachers struggling just to keep peace in overcrowded classrooms. And for every administrator working miracles, there are too many marking time until they retire,'' she said.

Speaking to about 125 clergy and lay leaders from Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist groups, Mrs. Clinton took a swipe at the state of public education in New York, saying, ''It is not what it needs to be or what it should be.''

Mrs. Clinton, who plans to run for the U.S. Senate against likely Republican rival Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, has said improving education will be a key issue in her upcoming campaign.

The first lady was dismayed to learn that some New York City public school teachers have been accused of helping students cheat on standardized tests.

''If that is true,'' she said, ''they have not only cheated on the test, they have cheated our children.''

She said the 43 teachers accused of giving children answers to test questions did the children a grave disservice.

''To assume that some children cannot pass is wrong. All children can learn if given the support, the discipline, the attention and instruction they need,'' Mrs. Clinton said.
United Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said Thursday she believes the charges made by special schools investigator Ed Stancik were overblown and misleading. The union has hired an outside investigator to study the allegations.

It was Ms. Weingarten, an ardent supporter, who got Mrs. Clinton last month to confirm she intends to run by asking at a news conference: ''So, is it yes, or is it no?''

Mrs. Clinton also said Friday she believes in public school choice but not school vouchers. ''Vouchers to me are a flag of surrender.''
Her likely rival has also been highly critical of the city's public school system but Giuliani is an ardent supporter of school vouchers.