Deposit on new puppy

Don Fischer

New member
Sent off a deposit for a new Red Setter pup next spring. Going to drive back to Minnesota to get it, should be fully trained by the time I get home. To mark this event I thought I'd post another picture of my Stormy! :D

My buddy has a lab and german pointer. I'm not thrilled with either of them personality wise but the pointer can hunt. Tell me about these red setters.
Love setters! I used to hunt over an English Setter, and those are still some of the best memories of hunting I have. Good looking dog!
Rc how can you not like a lab personality wise?

Never met a lab that wasnt great personality wise, cuddly, playful and eager to please
It's about preferences, nothing wrong per se with labs but I've had other dogs I like better. I love Austrailian Shepards but they are not hunting dogs.
Irish setter

Is a "red setter" the same as an Irish setter? I don't believe I've ever heard that phrase red setter.

We had an Irish as a family pet when first married, a long and interesting story by not on track for here. I did not hunt him, but still, w/o training, he was still birdy, and pointed several coveys on woods walks. I rescued him as an adult, he'd been "peppered" by some fool and I dug pellets out of him on occasion as they worked to the surface. He was TERRIBLY gun shy accordingly, but a great pal. I took that dog everywhere. And lord did he love to ramble.

Name...."Red" of course, the neighbor kids started calling him that as I rehabed him and it stuck.