Department of Defense?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Perhaps it is time for a little government humor. [OK, I know most of it is humorous, but let's take it a bit further.]

Now, I mean this with no, nada, zero disrespect for our armed forces. But, I do mean it with maximum disrespect for the absurd direction our country is taking with regards to 'defense'.

Since the Department of Defense is obviously way, way beyond most logical conceptions of defense, let's rename the darn thing. Costs us billions and billions, right? Seems like we could at least give it a properly descriptive name!

I'll start off with the following suggestions:

1. War Department - descriptive, but a little plain, and definitely lacking in the inspiration area;
2. Armed Humanitarian Intervention Deparment - descriptive and perhaps accurate, but a bit long, and no helpful acronym here;
3. Humanitarian Armed and Logistical Police - otherwise known as 'HALP'! Seems particularly appropos for our esteemed Billy Jeff.

Again, I do not mean this in bad taste, or as an attack or mockery of our brave military. I do mean it to mock our Commander in Cheek.

My humour bump is on the blink right now. Food for thought though, the Department of War of the US has never lost a war. The Department of Defense has never won one.
How about changing HALP (Humanitarian Armed and Logistical Police) to HELP (Humanitarian Earth-wide Logistical Police). That way you only need cry for HELP!
Dept. of Integrated Politics; Security,Humanitarian, Ideological and Theanthropics Services


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
We now have the Department of Unilateral Militarization, Bombing and American Styled Socialism (DUMBASS)

One of the programs will be the Serbs Unconditional Complete Kosovo Surrender (SUCKS)

We will soon be forming the Department Of Relocated Kosovar Services (DORKS)

Our new motto:

Learn to live in peace and harmony with your neighbors or we will bomb the holy hell out of you!