Denver mayor feels the heat


Staff Alumnus
Denver's Mayor Webb was present at a rally yesterday protesting CO HB1305, which provides statewide preemption of concealed-carry laws. The main thrust of the protests was taking away local govt's "rights" to restrict CC.

Hizzoner was quoted as saying, "It's unfortunate that we have to resort to protests to make our voice heard."

Well, Mister Mayor...

How do you like it? How do you like having to scream to make your opinions heard? How do you like being ignored? Feels pretty bad, don't it?

Welcome to reality, @$$hole. Welcome to what we've been dealing with for over a century.

Stop whining, Mister Mayor, and let your citizens protect themselves without your approval.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Your among friends...please don't hold back. Let us know how you *really* feel! :)

Seriously. Great post. Thanks for giving us cause to snicker.

Remember, the best time to kick someone in the head is when they are down :) Don't let up on those people-remember Missouri.
I live in Denver, and have opportunity to see the mayor about town every month or so - he is ALWAYS in the company of two very large men, obviously wearing body armor, with suspicious bulges under their suitcoats.

F-ing hypocrite.
Wow... guess I was in a snit when I wrote that little missive, eh?

Wonder if I should fax it to Hizzoner's office ;).

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Saw something briefly on a local news site about allegations that Mayor Webb has been using taxpayers' dollars to take out newspaper space to run ads against concealed carry and state preemption. My wife saw one of these ads that had been torn from a local paper (don't know which one) by someone and had been posted on a billboard at her work place. Someone had written "Call today!" on it and had highlighted the phone numbers of the mayor and the general assembly. My wife, after reading it, tore it down because she not only couldn't stand it and felt it to be inappropriately posted, but thought I should get to see it. After reading the trash and downright lies printed within, we promptly 'recycled' it (read 'stompted on it, crumpled it, burned it, flushed the ashes down the toilet'). This really makes me truly, truly sick. Especially if it is true that the mayor is using OUR tax dollars to print trash like that against OUR cause and beliefs and our push to have our rights recognized and upheld. I will go now, for I am becoming much to agitated to continue writing in a civil manner. But before I go, anyone else in CO know of these allegations, and has anyone else come across these printed lies?

Oh, and I was thinking that there are some pages in Lott's MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME that I would love to photocopy and post around here as well as at my wife's place. At least then the sheeple would be treated to a factual and unemotional approach to the topic, unlike what the mayor is putting out.


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited April 07, 1999).]
Mayor Webb used funds from the City of Denver's Safety Department to place two ads at $16,000 - $17,000 apiece, according to the Denver Post. Here's the <a href="">story</a>. Webb and the city should be sued, and Webb removed from office.
Coineach. I think I resent your calling the mayor of Denver "hizzoner". You should have said HIZDIZHONOR. :) :). Apparently the man has no honor whatsoever. By all means send him your post.
Paul B.