dennis wholey show....


New member
On this talk show I watched Carl Rowan who is on the nra board of directors.......he is an articulate well spoken individual but he almost seems apologetic, they managed to get him to agree that "if a person carries a gun to a school they should be charged"...depending upon the situation Id agree with that, although these shows dont give time to elaborate---he did manage to get the fact out that the nra has a wonderful educational program for children and even when they have offered to remove all mention of the nra and just give the safety course the schools werent interested.
One of the most obvious problems to me are women and their opinions....the two women on this show seemed to be convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong---the problem is these women are handled with kid gloves, instead of giving them a pass.........we have to find a way to show how they are wrong. It seems that the accepted version of the pro-2nd amendment is definitely not ours, and Im not sure if they really care that its an amendment---its always about the dam* kids and crime, I think we need a supreme ct ruling and let the chips fall were they may...fubsy.
I've noticed the "opinionated woman" syndrome before, too. But whatever they're opinion, they're caught in the middle.

If you're an opinionated woman, you risk being called a bitch, whereas a man is just called "opinionated".

But, as a woman, if you're not a "bitch", then the men, who have free license to be as obnoxious as they want, will walk right over you.

I don't envy the opinionated woman.

Boing, though I agree with your observation as a generalization, I've gotta tell ya that I cut no slack for either sex when their 'opinionation' means they won't substantiate their position, won't (can't?) cite approriate facts, figures, and sources, when foisting off their 'opinion' by shear volume, refusing to enter into civil discussion (e.g. Rosie O'Dufus) or simple intimidation. "Bitches" aside, I have a lot of names beyond 'opinionated' for men who behave as described above, and while I'm big enough to be able to keep it verbal, I've also learned when it's like trying to teach a horse('s @ss) to sing - a waste of your time and an annoyance to the 'animal'. These boobs (no pun or sexual innuendo intended) shouldn't go unchallenged, regardless of sex.

Upon re-reading this I hope I don't sound too shrill (and no offense to Boing), but I'm finding I have a most negative knee-jerk reaction to those who are so smug in their beliefs that they can't envision another view of a given subject, let alone that they could possibly be wrong/misinformed/incompletely informed. I will not stoop to their level, but Lord, give me strength . . . they can't go unchallenged.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited August 03, 1999).]