Denied Nics- Just posting to track the process


New member
Good afternoon folks. I have see some NICS denial posts on here before and thought some people might appreciate my journey. I will return here to provide updates. I'm not posting to complain about the NICS system or to ask for legal advice. I will try not to speculate and keep things only to what I learned and know.

A little about my background just for reference. I'm 43 years old. I have an active C&R license and a concealed carry permit from WI. I have a solid collection of firearms although I know it pales in comparison to many here. I have purchased many many guns over the years and while I have a common name that often delays me up until now I have never received a denial. I always provide my full name First/middle/last and my ssn for all purchases. Despite having a C&R 99% of all my firearms are purchased from LGS going through the NICS system.

7/28/22 - I received my new license as I recently moved to GA

7/29/22 -1100 I went to purchase my first firearm in GA at my LGS. The gun in question (not that it matters) is a Pedersoli Howdah in 45LC/410. Pretty impractical but I like what I like and it was a birthday present to myself. The NICS check came back denied. The LGS staff were extremely helpful providing my NTN and where to go to file the appeal.

7/29/22 - 1300 I requested the reason for my denial. I immediately received an email stating that I had been denied due to Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C), section 922(g)(4). For those unfamiliar with this part of Title 18 it refers to a person being deemed mentally defective or involuntarily committed to a mental institution.

7/29/22-1400 I challenged the denial based on the fact I have not been deemed mentally defective or been committed to a mental institution. I provided a copy of my Birth Certificate, SSN, and my DL for documentation. I do not have easy access to digital fingerprints in my area so opted to wait on that. I again immediately got a response alerting me that the record that disqualified me was located in the 9th Circuit court in Glenwood Springs, CO. I was instructed that if I did not feel the record pertained to me I needed to contact the 9th Circuit and have them provide documentation to the FBI to that fact and or to update the record (Middle Name/SSN/ECT ECT) to better identify the correct induvial. Since I have never been to CO I'm confident I'm have never been deemed mentally defective or involuntarily confined to a mental institution there.

7/29/22 - 1400-1600 I speak to multiple people (all extremely helpful) and land on the desk of 2 Clerks in the 9th circuit and one individual from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations. The Bureau and one clerk run background criminal record searches on my name/birth date/SSN number and find no records that match any two of the three. Basically there are several people with my name that don't match my DOB and several with my DOB that don't match my name. None match my SSN. They both provide a letter attesting to the fact no person with my name/dob/ssn has ever been arrested or charged with anything in CO. The second clerk of courts who deals in non criminal matters did find a record with my name and DOB. Success!!!!!! In this case the person was involuntarily committed to a hospital and the only information provided was a first and last name with a DOB all matching mine. When she looked closer this individual did not have a middle initial/name entered in the system and did not have a social listed. She promised to make some additional inquiries and get back to me.

7/29/22-1630 The second clerk called back and validated the individual in question has a different middle name than me. Is currently in the hospital and they can not locate a ssn for him. She told me she had updated the record and was willing to provide a letter stating her findings. She sent this letter to me and the FBI address provided in their initial letter to dispute the denial.

7/29/22-1645 I challenged the denial again this time providing the two letters validating no criminal history for me along with the letter from the second clerk validating she had found a matching record which now contains more identity data which does not match my information.

As of 8/5/22 1530 no update or response from the FBI. Will update if/when I hear something. The LGS is holding the firearm for me pending this process. I know they can not hold it forever so I'm hoping this works out in my favor but I'm not holding my breath. I am prepared to go the fingerprint route if needed.
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Sorry to hear about your issue.
I highly recommend obtaining a Georgia firearm permit as soon as possible. It will serve as an exemption to the FBI NICS check.

You can also open a Voluntary Appeal File. That lets the FBI NICS keep your information always available. They'll issue you an FBI UPIN or Unique Personal Identifier Number.

FBI NICS appeals are typically very slow. They are given the least priority by FBI Document Examiners.

Edited to add: The FBI website says they are processing NICS appeals from July 2022........thats almost unbelievable. Historically its taken 5-10 months or longer.
I can say based on personal experience, that you should contact your state senator if you have one that's pro 2A (and even if they're not). Explain the details just as you have here and clearly state that your 2A rights are being violated.

This worked for me here in KY; both McConnell and Paul's offices made official inquiries within days of my contacting their offices. It shook the tree pretty hard I guess. My denial status went away within a few days and I received a letter from the NICS twice (one for each inquiry), cc'd to the senators' offices. The first one was McConnell's, stating basically "we reviewed blah blah.. we resolved this and hope you don't talk to us again." The second one (Paul's) was a letter stating "we already resolved this!" Lol. Haven't had a problem since.

NICS and FBI won't give you the time of day otherwise; you'll just get their canned response letters, even if you include documentation (I did; didn't matter).
MarkA I can say based on personal experience, that you should contact your state senator if you have one that's pro 2A (and even if they're not). .
Did you take the time to read his post?

If you had, you would know that FBI NICS worked exactly as its supposed to.
There is a person with the same/similar name that is prohibited.

OP submitted his documents a WEEK AGO. Good grief let them do their damn job.

Explain the details just as you have here and clearly state that your 2A rights are being violated.........
No, they aren't. The OP can buy a firearm from someone other than a licensed dealer and continues to be allowed to possess any firearm he already owns.

So far, no Federal court has ruled that the NICS is a violation of the Second Amendment.
recommend obtaining a Georgia firearm permit as soon as possible. It will serve as an exemption to the FBI NICS check.

That is good advice. But only after this is cleared up. If he was denied purchasing, he would have most likely been denied a carry permit.

GA recently went to constitutional carry and a permit is no longer needed. But I plan to get mine renewed before it expires in October. There is some cost involved, but it does allow you to bypass the background check when buying. And will allow you to carry in other states that recognize GA's permit. Which is quite a few.

Contacting the local congressional representative might help. There are only 2 senators in each state, both Democrats here, and even if they were pro-gun would be less likely to help than the representative from your district.
No update from my original post just want to answer a few things from other commenters.

I do plan on obtaining my GA permit primarily for reciprocity with other states. But I agree with a previous commenter, until I get a ruling on this appeal I don't want to go down that path. The Clerk that found the record did say she updated the identity data of the offending record but I would like this closed and settled before I take another step which includes a background check.

At this point I'm going to give the process time to work itself out prior to contacting a government representative. Unfortunately both senators from my state are not huge supporters of the 2nd so I'm not sure what if any help they would provide. My house rep is pro 2nd so if I opt to go that route I would start there. With that being said I feel its a bit early for me to worry about that at this point anyway. As a previous poster stated I do not feel my rights have been violated at this point. A record was found, I appealed it, and hopefully the FBI agrees I provided enough evidence to prove it was not me.

Again I did not post this to argue for or against the NICS system. I have learned a great deal over the last week or so and I'm sure I will learn more before this is resolved. I do have some personal feelings about this process and the fairness inherent in it but that's not the point of this post so I will keep those thoughts to myself.
Rothdel: " Unfortunately both senators from my state are not huge supporters of the 2nd so I'm not sure what if any help they would provide."

I would specifically include them in this situation if for no other reason than you might be able to say, "I told you about my problem and you did nothing."
I feel your pain. At least in a second hand sort of way.

I have a friend who is routinely denied firearms purchases. His usually resolve in several days, but it's maddening for him...

He's 5-5, white, born in 1965 in Pennsylvania, middle name starting with E.

The guy he keeps getting denied because of is 6 feet something, black, born in 1974 somewhere in the midwest, and has a middle name starting with S.

Even better, my friend is STILL getting denied every time he buys a gun even though his doppelganger has been in Federal prison on a whole slew of charges since about 2004, and he won't be seeing the light of day for at least another 15 years.
. Even supplying full middle name & SSN ? Even supplying full middle name & SSN ?

This is one of the biggest eye openers for me. The amount of data supplied is not consistent or in some cases even expected. In my situation the only thing entered for the doppelganger was his First/Last Name and DOB all 3 of which match my info. The fact that I supplied an SSN and a Middle name did not matter because his record did not contain this data. In my case its my responsibility to prove I'm not this individual vs the FBI's to prove I'm not. The Clerk of courts was very helpful in terms of identifying and updating the record so hopefully this does not happen to me again. I wont know if the record was changed or is clear enough now until I hear back from the FBI or I go through additional NICS checks.
"Even supplying full middle name & SSN ?"

Full middle name, SSN AND City AND State of birth along with birth date.

And his race.

Nothing of which matches up the criminal from the midwest.

My guess is that the first and last name are enough to set off a "we need to look at this in greater detail!! HOLD THAT SALE!!!" system alert even though everything else is radically different.

I'm further guessing that, because it happened once it became a permanent part of his record and no matter what happens it's going to happen every time.

As I said, it's always released within a matter of hours, and has never required additional action on his part.
Mike Irwin I feel your pain. At least in a second hand sort of way.

I have a friend who is routinely denied firearms purchases. His usually resolve in several days, but it's maddening for him...
A NICS denial isn't resolved in just "several days". It may take several months. Over the last fourteen years I've only had a handful of denials and none were resolved in less than three months. Once FBI NICS issues a "denied" status, they wont change it until the buyer completes the appeals process.

A NICS delay on the other hand is often resolved in just a few days and quite often within the hour.

Mike Irwin ....As I said, it's always released within a matter of hours, and has never required additional action on his part.
Your friend is getting delayed, not denied.
When the dealer runs the background check, he gives NICS the buyers descriptive information. If that information results in multiple records returning and anu one of them is that of a prohibited person then the NICS operator will tell the dealer that the transaction "is delayed while NICS conducts additional research. The Brady Law does not prohibit the transfer of the firearm on xx/xx/xxxx".

That operator/customer service rep can't make the determination, thats done by an FBI Legal Documents Examiner. They compare the buyers information with the prohibiting records and when satisfied that the buyer is not the guy doing time......the status changes to proceed.
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Good afternoon folks. I have see some NICS denial posts on here before and thought some people might appreciate my journey. I will return here to provide updates. I'm not posting to complain about the NICS system or to ask for legal advice. I will try not to speculate and keep things only to what I learned and know.

A little about my background just for reference. I'm 43 years old. I have an active C&R license and a concealed carry permit from WI. I have a solid collection of firearms although I know it pales in comparison to many here. I have purchased many many guns over the years and while I have a common name that often delays me up until now I have never received a denial. I always provide my full name First/middle/last and my ssn for all purchases. Despite having a C&R 99% of all my firearms are purchased from LGS going through the NICS system.

7/28/22 - I received my new license as I recently moved to GA

7/29/22 -1100 I went to purchase my first firearm in GA at my LGS. The gun in question (not that it matters) is a Pedersoli Howdah in 45LC/410. Pretty impractical but I like what I like and it was a birthday present to myself. The NICS check came back denied. The LGS staff were extremely helpful providing my NTN and where to go to file the appeal.

7/29/22 - 1300 I requested the reason for my denial. I immediately received an email stating that I had been denied due to Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C), section 922(g)(4). For those unfamiliar with this part of Title 18 it refers to a person being deemed mentally defective or involuntarily committed to a mental institution.

7/29/22-1400 I challenged the denial based on the fact I have not been deemed mentally defective or been committed to a mental institution. I provided a copy of my Birth Certificate, SSN, and my DL for documentation. I do not have easy access to digital fingerprints in my area so opted to wait on that. I again immediately got a response alerting me that the record that disqualified me was located in the 9th Circuit court in Glenwood Springs, CO. I was instructed that if I did not feel the record pertained to me I needed to contact the 9th Circuit and have them provide documentation to the FBI to that fact and or to update the record (Middle Name/SSN/ECT ECT) to better identify the correct induvial. Since I have never been to CO I'm confident I'm have never been deemed mentally defective or involuntarily confined to a mental institution there.

7/29/22 - 1400-1600 I speak to multiple people (all extremely helpful) and land on the desk of 2 Clerks in the 9th circuit and one individual from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations. The Bureau and one clerk run background criminal record searches on my name/birth date/SSN number and find no records that match any two of the three. Basically there are several people with my name that don't match my DOB and several with my DOB that don't match my name. None match my SSN. They both provide a letter attesting to the fact no person with my name/dob/ssn has ever been arrested or charged with anything in CO. The second clerk of courts who deals in non criminal matters did find a record with my name and DOB. Success!!!!!! In this case the person was involuntarily committed to a hospital and the only information provided was a first and last name with a DOB all matching mine. When she looked closer this individual did not have a middle initial/name entered in the system and did not have a social listed. She promised to make some additional inquiries and get back to me.

7/29/22-1630 The second clerk called back and validated the individual in question has a different middle name than me. Is currently in the hospital and they can not locate a ssn for him. She told me she had updated the record and was willing to provide a letter stating her findings. She sent this letter to me and the FBI address provided in their initial letter to dispute the denial.

7/29/22-1645 I challenged the denial again this time providing the two letters validating no criminal history for me along with the letter from the second clerk validating she had found a matching record which now contains more identity data which does not match my information.

As of 8/5/22 1530 no update or response from the FBI. Will update if/when I hear something. The LGS is holding the firearm for me pending this process. I know they can not hold it forever so I'm hoping this works out in my favor but I'm not holding my breath. I am prepared to go the fingerprint route if needed.
Are you just calling the ATF, or have you submitted paperwork from their website to dispute the denial? from their website to dispute the denial?

I went through the FBI appeal process. I submitted the 2 criminal record searches that showed no arrests or charges against my Name/DOB/SSC in CO where the disqualifying record was found. I also sent back the letter from the clerk of courts where she found a record containing my first/last name and DOB which upon further examination did not contain a middle name. She researched and found the middle name of the individual and it did not match mine. She stated she changed the record and provided this information to the FBI. Along with that I provided my Birth Certificate and SSN card. At this point I have not done fingerprints as that would require me to take time off work so holding out hope I don't have to go that far. As of the morning of 8/10 no update to my original post.
Never underestimate the stupidity of bureaucracy. Tee-eeS-A tried to fine me for flying with an undeclared firearm. I told the ground personnel it was a flintlock. On top of that, I told others it was non-working (no touchhole drilled). Anyway, Tee-eeS-A called me and I explained that I was a police officer, that I knew the rules and have flown with firearms locked in secured cases but that per ATF flintlocks and replica thereofs are not firearms per se. I directed the investigator to the relevant ATF rule. Still the investigator decided to slap me with a minor fine ($100) which I fought. The Atty Gen. had it dismissed in the interest of justice (what other choice was there when you don't have a case).

Lesson: never underestimate the stupidity of bureaucrats.

In this case Rothedel, this is shifting the burden of proof of innocence onto the accused. Looks like we've adopted Code Napoleon. Even when you proved you're innocence, they are like an immovable stone reluctant to admit mistakes.
In this case Rothedel, this is shifting the burden of proof of innocence onto the accused. Looks like we've adopted Code Napoleon. Even when you proved you're innocence, they are like an immovable stone reluctant to admit mistakes.

At this point I'm not 100% sure I agree with you. I am trying to get through the entire process before I form an opinion. My initial reaction was very much what you said but I have taken a step back and am trying to keep an open mind. As a previous poster said I have not been restricted from owning and it is certainly possible I would pass a background check today assuming the clerk did as she said and updated the record in question. I believe I have proven I am not the individual in question and I expect the FBI will agree. If they do agree my opinion is going to rest almost entirely on how long it took them to reach that opinion. If they disagree I'm sure my opinion of the process will change. from their website to dispute the denial?

I went through the FBI appeal process. I submitted the 2 criminal record searches that showed no arrests or charges against my Name/DOB/SSC in CO where the disqualifying record was found. I also sent back the letter from the clerk of courts where she found a record containing my first/last name and DOB which upon further examination did not contain a middle name. She researched and found the middle name of the individual and it did not match mine. She stated she changed the record and provided this information to the FBI. Along with that I provided my Birth Certificate and SSN card. At this point I have not done fingerprints as that would require me to take time off work so holding out hope I don't have to go that far. As of the morning of 8/10 no update to my original post.
I would now call their closest field office and talk to an agent. In my experience, they have been helpful. They may be able to push this on to the next level. I can tell you that they are busy because current politics has been running a muck on the firearms issue, and over the last few months, buying has been high.
4V50 Gary Never underestimate the stupidity of bureaucracy. Tee-eeS-A tried to fine me for flying with an undeclared firearm. I told the ground personnel it was a flintlock. On top of that, I told others it was non-working (no touchhole drilled). Anyway, Tee-eeS-A called me and I explained that I was a police officer, that I knew the rules and have flown with firearms locked in secured cases but that per ATF flintlocks and replica thereofs are not firearms per se. I directed the investigator to the relevant ATF rule. Still the investigator decided to slap me with a minor fine ($100) which I fought. The Atty Gen. had it dismissed in the interest of justice (what other choice was there when you don't have a case).
FYI......ATF has zippity do dah to do with anything related to flying with a firearm. How ATF defines firearms only applies to commerce in firearms.
TSA, USPS, DOT can have their own definitions and they often are not identical to how ATF defines. A great example is how USPS defines "handgun".....basically any firearm that can be concealed on the person.

In this case Rothedel, this is shifting the burden of proof of innocence onto the accused. Looks like we've adopted Code Napoleon. Even when you proved you're innocence, they are like an immovable stone reluctant to admit mistakes.
OP wasn't accused of anything.
OP wasn't charged with any crime.
OP didn't stand trial.
OP didn't have any burden of proof, or anything else remotely related to Napoleonic law.

He failed a background check. Its that simple.
He's fortunate that the source of the identity issue was so forthcoming and helpful.

NICS worked exactly as its supposed to in this case.