I live in georgia, i was recently denied the right to purchase a simple .22 rifle from our local walmart. Now i know its not walmart that denied me. I will admit that about 20 years ago when my wife and i were newlyweds we had an argument that went to far and she had a nosey co-worker decide to have her husband that was a police officer from another county push a warrant through charging me with DV. I pled the charge down to simple battery. paid my fine, went through state mandated anger management classes, completed all community services and was released off probation. I have in no way gotten into any other trouble since, not even a.speeding ticket. Not 100% positive that this is even reason for being denied just assumeing it is. What has changed? How can i find out why was denied? If above charge is reason for it i was under understanding that once all pobation, classes, fines etc have been satisfied it would not affect firearm purchase. If not what can i do if anything to get my rights back?
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