Democrats to flaunt unconstitutional rule


New member
From the Independence Institute edition of Capitol Watch.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>House Democratic Whip David Bonior (D-MI) has confirmed that,
should Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives, they will
reinstate the patently unconstitutional rule that allows delegates and
commissioners from the District of Columbia and the territories and
commonwealths -- Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and American
Samoa -- to vote on the House floor. All five of them are currently

Seems the Constitution is dead. Between shenanigans like this and people beleiving that public opinion is more important than individual rights (and responsibility), I'll probably be a felon before long.
the last four or five years have made me very ashamed of being a democrat......I voted Republican that last few times.... but it still hurts when I see this kind of stuff.... and am constantly asked to vote the party line & then join the DSA.....
My best friend was a life long Democrat, from a family of Democrats.
This last year he grudgingly and painfully said that he was ashamed of his party and could not vote for them anymore. He agrees with the Democrats' theoretical economic goals, but he cannot handle anymore how they are trampling on our American Rights.
How can anyone who supports the Second Amendment in its pure, unadulterated form much less the Constitution vote for a Democrat? It's hard enough to hold your nose and vote for a Republican!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I'd vote Democrate Dingell long before I'd vote Republican Chafee.

Both parties will sale you out if they price is right. Take a note of how little they think of you.
