Democrats list of SHAME


New member
With all the dirty tricks the Dems are pulling, I thought a thread which pulled together ALL of the dirty tricks, dishonest dealings and out and out lies of the Gore campaign would be a nice reference throughout this whole debacle. I'll start with the next post.

Please keep all posts to instices which are verifiable, and include a reference to the source cited. Please do not repeat what others have said, unless it is to add another (better) source.

With so much going on, this may also help document which cases are verifiable and those which are unsubstantiated or rumors.
1. Gore addresses the nation via the press and states that he will support whatever the final vote count is and cede the voctory if GWB comes out ahead. As soon as it looks like he will NOT get the state, he immediately changes his story to say that no matter what the outcome (Unless it is in his favor of course) he will challange in the courts, thus breaking his word.

Source -
2. Gore claims the majority of popular votes, before all have been counted (There are 1 million uncounted absentee votes in CA alone). Apparently this is acceptable, but it is not acceptable for Bush to claim the electoral college votes; BECAUSE they have not all been counted or counted well enough for his satesfaction (read - he didn't win).

SOurce -

[This message has been edited by maxinquaye (edited November 10, 2000).]