Democrats finally found a calcium deposit in their back?


New member
It's about time. See my sig for why I think this is a good thing regardless of the underlying issue at hand. Bold is in original message. I couldn't get the links working correctly, but they should be available from

Today, thanks in great part to your advocacy and persistence, the House of Representatives took a major, tangible step towards holding the Bush Administration accountable.

In a vote on the House floor, we acted to enforce the law and our Constitution, and hold former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten in Contempt of Congress. (Please click here to watch my speech on the House Floor calling for contempt.)

Bolten and Miers have ignored congressional subpoenas for nine months and thumbed their noses at Congress and the American people.

Executive privilege has never permitted officials to avoid appearing altogether when subpoenaed. This behavior is unprecedented and outrageous.

Now, these two renegade officials must face up to their blatant disregard of the law and constitution.

Our message of accountability for Bush/Cheney is finally resonating on Capitol Hill.

Judiciary Chairman John Conyers fought hard to bring this to a vote, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself took the floor to support contempt.

While Democrats may not all agree on how to press this Administration, one thing is clear:

Today, Congress has asserted its rights under the Constitution.

We must not back down.

We must never cede the rights of the Congress to the Executive.

I am pleased to inform you that today's legislation allows Congress to bypass the Attorney General (who has stated to me this week that he would not enforce contempt) and immediately take action in the courts. (Click here to see me confront the Attorney General on contempt last week.)

Today, Congress finally defended the Constitution and our rights as an equal branch of government.

Yours truly,

Congressman Robert Wexler
Yeah, with the multiple hearings on global warming, baseball and steroids, and silly contempt citations, the Democrats are accomplishing a whole lot of nothing.

Some backbone. :rolleyes:
This is very good news. :D The Bush administration must be held to the rule of law, otherwise we might as well go ahead and give him and Cheney crowns and scepters.

There's also a hint that they might let the bogus new FISA bill lapse.

That would be even better news. What made me really happy about the contempt vote today is that the House was busy doing something other than adopting the Senate version of the FISA bill with it's contemptible immunity clause... :barf: :mad:
In junior high school civics class I learned that the three branches of government were equal. There has been a long struggle between the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch to get the upper hand. The Executive Branch under D and R administrations has refused to answer subpoenas by congress to prevent a precedent from being set. The executive branch can just come back and hold the Democrats in Congress in contempt of the Executive. It is just a show and Wexler knows it.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

The Democrats finally do something worthwhile in Congress that just happens to follow the Constitution and they want credit for it? Was not that the job that was supposed to be happening all along? Seems their agenda this time just happened to coincide with the Constitution :rolleyes: