Democrats ban talk of guns at convention's "Town Hall"


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Democrats ban talk of guns at convention's "Town Hall"

If you want to send in a submission to the "Town Hall" part of the
Democratic Convention, you had best not be promoting gun ownership, as
they classify that as offensive, obscene and inappropriate:

"... Submissions must not: ... (iii) contain ... content
promoting ... firearms, or weapons, .. or any other offensive,
obscene, or inappropriate content;...."

First thing I did, no offense intended, was go check out the site to see what was between the phrases. Because I honestly couldn't believe they'd be that idiotic.

Sure enough, they were.

I mean, I could find a few less objectionable ways to interpret that statement, but who cares. Even assuming it isn't intended as it sounds he fact that, politically, they didn't see any way it could be interpreted in that way just shows how virulently anti-gun the party's leadership truly is.
So much for ...

... Free Speech.

Or; Don't you just hate those hard questions we really don't want to answer because .... sshhh, don't tell anyone ... we really don't support the right to keep and bear arms. Really ... now shut up and don't bring it up again ... please, pretty please.
Wow, this is amazing. Offensive, obscene, and innapropriate?? What??? Is this a parallel universe I'm in??? Jesus, we're in trouble. Apparently, It's offeennnsssiiiivveee to talk about firearms anymore, which is a legitimate sport and hobby for many. :barf: That makes me want to talk about it until I'm purple - and flood them with questions relating to firearms. Why have firearms been demonized? It's just a tool, use it properly and responsibly and everything is fine. No need to be afraid of it. Sheesh!

Even living in a red state, there's still more hassle with this than I'd like. I'm not a knuckledragger. Why is it wrong to enjoy the craft of marksmanship?
WOW, Nothing that would offend the tender sensibilities of the diversity crowd?
Sounds kind of contradictory to me:confused: