Democratic Party Majority Districts


New member
The sad fact is that the Democratic Party Machine has its constituents BRAINWASHED to believe that the guns are bad, it's not the criminals, it's those evil guns killing everyone.
Depends on the area in question though.

For example, West Virginia is populated with exactly the type of people who would strongly support the Democratic party in elections. They haven't done so lately because the Dems as a party need to remove their crania from their posterior orifices on the issue first.

Now places like NYC, Chicago, or San Francisco, Boston, etc yes that is true. And those places are where the party bigwigs who rabidly push the issue are from. They've tried to blame the loss of the South to the Republicans on Democratic support for civil rights legislation but IMHO the Republicans got the South because of Democratic party gun control planks/proposals more than anything else.
I have found that there are 3 types of Dems.
1 are the family has been since F.D.R. and that is that.
2 are the "give me" crowd that wants everything given to them.
3 are the " I am smarter than you" they believe they should tell every one else how to live.
The first type of Democrat is the type that would vote Republican now if they reevaluated their values and how well the Democratic party platform matches them.

For instance, I worked with a lady who was a rabid Democrat and voted for no other party ever. She was against gun control, carried a pistol for self defense, was very religious, was adamantly opposed to abortion, and detested gay people, welfare, and taxes. The only thing the Democratic party stood for that she stood for was labor unions.

OTOH, my dad was a union worker (same union as this lady in fact) and he voted Republican because he knew that the Democratic party stood for nearly everything he was against.

The biggest difference between him and her was that Dad paid attention to what he was voting for and she didn't.
The biggest difference between him and her was that Dad paid attention to what he was voting for and she didn't.

One was treating it like a sport and the other as a future investment. too often people don't see what will come of an election when they vote and instead vote as if it were a contest every four years like the Olympics.