Dem - GOP = time.


New member
I see a lot of discussion here on the topic of republican betrayal of the 2nd Ammendment. The evidence is overwhelming. The only diffenence between the GOP and the DNC on gun control is the timetable. Neither option is acceptable, since the outcome is the same.

In view of this (and please prove me wrong) they become a single party with regards to the RKBA. There is only one party I am aware of that feels as I do on this issue. Unfortunately the Libertarians can't get on the ballot in most cases because people think it would be a wasted vote. YOUR VOTE IS ALREADY WASTED IF YOU VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICANS.

Sorry for yelling, but I got carried away. :) Take a look at the libertarian platform. It consists almost entirely of following the constitution and shrinking government. The party is styled after the politics of some of our favorite people: Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Mason, Henry, etc.

Even if you don't like the idea of losing your favorite program, think how many disagreements you have with the libertarians versus the GOP. I think you may be surprised. When you add the extra money to your budget that smaller government would mean, losing that progam might not hurt so much.

Think it over. The Libertarian party wants the same thing you do: FREEDOM. They're small because freedom doesn't sell to PACs. That won't matter though, as long as it does sell to folks like us. Remember, the GOP was once a small marginal party too. It grew because it appealed to people more than the big parties it was facing. Too bad they forgot where they came from.

I'll end my political tyrade here. If you have an ideological difference with the Libertaians, please argue with me. I'm still trying to punch holes in their politics and see if they hold water. I haven't been able to make any very big ones other than that they are too small right now to do much. Such being the case, I plan to try and help 'em out this November. After all, what have I got to lose but a choice between two bad alternatives?

[This message has been edited by T-Rex (edited September 27, 1999).]
Unfortunately the Libertarians can't get on the ballot in most cases because people think it would be a wasted vote.

Small correction: As far as the presidential election goes, the LP has no problem getting on the ballot in every state. It's getting *noticed* that's the problem.

It consists almost entirely of following the constitution and shrinking government.

Almost? Where have we gone wrong? No flames, mind, I'm genuinely curious about this? In which plank do we support the growth of government?

Even if you don't like the idea of losing your favorite program

That's one of Harry Browne's best "gotcha" questions: Would you be willing to give up your favorite federal programs if, in exchange, you never had to pay income tax again? Most people reply, "I don't have a favorite federal program."

Then there's my personal soundbite: A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. Vote Libertarian... for a change.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO