Delta Force Involvement at Waco on Video?

Ed Brunner

New member
Just an allegation at this point but it is being claimed that a video tape actually shows Delta Force involved in a gunfight at Waco.
Check out:

If this is confirmed it looks like we have a government who has congressional approval to use our own military forces against us.
Of course they have to ALLEGE that drugs are involved.
Neat, huh???

Better days to be,

Why is it that when someone purports to have shocking new evidence of misconduct in whatever form, they wait to release it on video to make a buck? They ought to plaster it all over the news and local access channels and any other media available to get the truth out.
I also heard a woman being interviewed on Art Bell claiming that she has reports of Apaches at Waco firing Hellfire missles into the building!?
Errr, Apaches at Waco? With all due respect, I think we are starting to really push things here. Next thing you know, you'll be hearing about F-117 napalm runs on Waco.

Let's not get lulled to sleep by the mainstream media, but don't get roused by incredulous claims, either.
And how can you tell delta and the hrt apart?
Both groups wear close to the same thing.\


[This message has been edited by Jason Kitta (edited September 04, 1999).]
A fella named James Pate wrote several articles about the whole Waco debacle, for SOF magazine. Remember, a lot of the SOF folks still have active-duty buddies in the various elite units...

Anyway, in one of the articles, he detailed some credible evidence that the BATF crew received training from an Army unit. BATF apparently tried a bit of a different approach in their "raid", but the military was directly involved from early-on, if Pate is to be believed. I found his data credible.

There may have been Apaches at Waco, if either the BATF or FBI had hired any. If there had been any of the type that fly, there would have been more reports of them being there than this. Kinda hard to miss a air to ground missle attack, even from some distance.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

I know ATF recived training from JTF-6 in room busting and the such. I was just pointing out that if Delta was on site, you would not be able to tell them from the HRT guys. I have seen several incidents in print that talked about the posse comitatus being suspended for the use of or the use for support for delta and seal team six. I belive that Danny Colson (sp?) the founder of the HRT and the guy who said "yes we used the tear gas cans that burn" talked about this in his book (No heros, or something like that). Six was on site for the olympics in atlanta just as delta was for the pervious one. During one of the prison riots at a federal pen when hrt was busy somewhere else they brought in seal six. So I think that Delta very well could have been on site at Waco for a good reason*.

*note - No I do not support what happend at Waco. I agree that it was a ploy by ATF for budget reason. And that it was a mess of gross abuses of power and such. I am mearly pointing out that for a unit such as delta any situation where they can learn something useful and a seige situation is one of them they are going to want to see it. I hope I made this clearly.

Delta at WACO?
Delta is ready when YOU are.

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
Don't ya'll understand. They were only there "as observers". I wonder if there were any "observers" up at Randy Weavers home. Naaaw-probably not. If they were we would have been informed right away I'm sure.

"Obervers". Hmmm. Why does that sound so familiar? I thought they were involved with "nation building" not the "nation's buildings".

Times change, I guess. :(
Why, oh why, would Delta need to observe anything the FBI or ATF was doing? Delta, after all, had "trained" the Feds. Could there have been a little OJT with live fire demonstrations by Delta? "No, not that way---see, this is how to do it. Watch this!"

Our illustrious government leaders have lied about anything anytime it suits them. There was no video at Ruby Ridge. Now there are reams of video tape showing the attack and murder of innocent people on their own property and ooops, a fire! Fire does what it does best---destroys and obscures evidence. There needs to be some major jail time on this one, but again the only ones serving time are the victims. The perpetrator is retired and drawing his pension.