Deja Vu all over again...

Larry P.

New member
That's how I felt tonight as I watched a news story on TV.

We were told right off the bat that there were new developments in the disappearance of Madlyn Murray O'Hair, the atheist leader not seen for four years or so now. Then told that someone involved was being held on weapons charges, police had found (gasp!) ammunition in his home.

Then we went to several minutes of descriptions of "unsealed FBI files" showing how this dude had abducted and kidnapped (I'm not making this up-the sorry so-and-so did both according to the report) O'Hair and several others, murdered them and buried them in the desert or some such. Another five-second pass by the unimportant factoid that he was being held on weapons charges and the piece was over.

I started thinking, now, we've reported all manner of demonic crap which he is NOT charged with as if it were facts, and not a hint of what he IS charged with, other than "weapons charges" like that is all which needs to be said. Was he a convicted felon? No idea. Did he have a full auto or sawed off? No idea.

Led to further recollections, maybe relevant to some comments I've seen here. Way back there was a time when we got to sneak a peek inside FBI files which allowed us to discover that they suspected one David Koresh of molesting little girls inside the Branch Davidian compound at Waco. Next thing we knew, the ATF seemed to be trying to start WWIII there, many of us couldn't figure out just where child molestation fit into ATF's mission description.

No problem, just watch for a few hours and sandwiched in between reports on those poor ATF agents who loaded for bear and tried to sneak in close enough to kill at will, but didn't make it due to the madmen inside, or the reports over and over about Koresh molesting little girls, and we find a 5-second piece about how neighbors reported hearing guns "firing very fast", which obviously required an armed assault by 100 jackbooted gov't thugs, due to the clear possibility of "weapons violations". Never mind that a licensed Class 3 dealer lived there, and they knew it, it's the best excuse going-"weapons violations". Nobody even asks anything more.

So, fast forward (reverse? I don't remember which came first) to the Weaver situation at Ruby Ridge. ATF again, "weapons violations", and unsealed FBI reports of a dangerous looney off in the woods with radical ideas contrary to blah, blah, blah, followed by the news that people were dead and it was all Weaver's fault, the nice Gestapo was simply trying to keep the nation safe by stomping off into the woods about 10 miles to attack a man and his family who didn't even have electric service, just trying to escape from the whole shebang and live their own lives unmolested. Just what he was supposed to be threatening way out there wasn't dragged out of anybody for a long time after it was all over, and ATF will NEVER live that down. But all those men in flak jackets and steel pots, wearing camo and carrying full-auto sniper rifles/assault weapons were obviously required to hunt him and his family down like dogs because they "suspected weapons violations", and even that later proved to be a total lie.

Looks like we have to get more interested right there, guys. You don't get the straight story until long after the shooting is over, maybe we better learn to suspect key words like "weapons violations" as a smokescreen that is meant to cover up government misdeeds. Only saving grace is that a few thousand such cases in a month would probably attract attention.

I shall check the paper tomorrow to discover if there is any further information on what this dude is actually being held for. If there isn't any I am going to call and ASK! If his crime is abduction, kidnapping (cracks me up!) and murder then that is what he should be charged with. If that is not his crime, then for exactly what is he being held?

Larry P.
They do this crap all the time...2 local examples:

1) A financial planner was accused of defrauding investors ( he did and was later convicted). However, when he was arrested and his home searched: he had "many firearms, including assault weapons and handguns assault weapons" and pornography on his computer(seized to check the financial stuff). As it turns out, his guns were all legal (and nothing I don't have a representation of) and the porno was stuff in over the counter magazine racks (i.e. nothing way out there).

2) CHP bust a woman driving erratically. Stop her, search the car and find r"assault rifles, handguns and hundreds of rounds of ammo. This was on the news with film and the guns laid out displayed for the cameras. Aftermath....nada! Woman is in early 60's and this was the last trip at the end of the day of moving to a new home. Turns out hubby had the rental truck and was about 5 min ahead and didn't see this. Her car was loaded with all the real valuable stuff. The poor old gal was tired and swerved a bit.

Observation: Yesterday the Supreme Court found that cops can't take the media into private property on busts. The media is screaming! Sure they have "sensible" reasons...but its really just loss of revenue and loss of PR for the cops.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Just an observation:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Yesterday the Supreme Court found that cops can't take the media into private property on busts.[/quote]

And no longer will there be a shread of evidence that what you say they did to you after the door was busted down really happened! High profile cases may welcome the cameras on scene..... especially during widespread gun grabs!?!

i certainly would, if it came to that. at least my lawyer could subpoena ALL of the video (before any ""accidently gets erased"
Well, I looked up the situation in the next day's paper, which essentially repeated everything said on TV, including the assertion that the dude not only abducted them but kidnapped them as well before he murdered them.

But the weapons charges were much more detailed! Seems his home contained not only ammunition but a KNIFE! Good Lord, what is this world coming to when a man can just keep a knife right in his own home!?!?

Reference was made (without elaboration) to a "criminal history", which cause me to ask if anyone knows whether "ammunition and a knife" are prohibited to convicted felons? I know firearms are, but otherwise haven't a clue. IOW, I'm still wondering what he might be being held for.

Larry P.