Definition for "shotist"?


New member
I know that somewhere in Jeff Copper's writings, he has defined the term "shotist", but I can't seem to locate it. I've tried Cooper's Commentaries, but haven't found it there. Does anyone happen to have it handy so it could be posted, or else direct me specifically to where it can be found? Thanks to all who reply.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Well, I suppose a 'shotist' would be a 'shootist' who's past his prime, no? ;) Just in a rowdy mood, I suppose ...

I haven't run across that particular quote yet.
Well, we had the John Wayne movie, "The Shootist" and folks talked about the language and nomenclature, and the difference between word usage in the 19th century as opposed to Hollywood's version of the western gunfight.

So, up jumps the Guru, who got picky, and said, "Hey, it's _Shottist_, not _Shootist_. He went on to explain his reasoning...

I won't argue with Col. Jeff, except to say it's about as important to me as the difference between a pistol's magazine and it's clip--zip, zilch, nada.
>it's about as important to me as the difference between a pistol's magazine and it's clip<

Well there IS a difference btwn the two! While some people use the term interchangably the items ARE NOT interchangable.

Try to load a gun that requires a clip with a magizine... you can't. Try to put a clip into a gun that uses a magizine for it's feeding devise and see if you can get it to function... you can't.

Here is another example of what the Col. was talking about. Shootist v Shotist, Clip v Magizine. Each has its own definition (or correct spelling). Are we being anal in requiring the correct usage of terms? Nooo, I don't think so. Why? Ever read/see a news story where they report that someone used a Machine Gun, only to find out it's was a "Military Configured" Semi-Auto? Or how about a "Assault Pistol"... exactly WHAT is that? .45 Long Colt?... never seen one! Firearm Silencer?... I want one cause I can still hear my rifle even with its suppressor on. If WE don't use the correct terms how can we get upset when others don't (usually to further restrict our firearms rights)?!?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 23, 1999).]
Well, I may stand corrected, but I'm still not clear on what difference Cooper drew or why. Shootist v. shottist v. shotist - so what the he** is the difference, gentlemen?
I was going to jump in on this one myself, but after reading the responses,
HOOYAH AND laughing all the way!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Hi Richard!..It's me, Aien(Rifle two) Nice to see you here too..
Nope..don't know anything about "shotist". Just saying hi..
I thought i saw Keith post some where here. searching..

Rifle's Salted Wound
Why not a "shotter"?
shoot - shooter
drink - drinker (not drinkist)
split - splitter (not splitist)
Spot - spotter (not spotist)
Spit - spitter (not spittist)
(nope, I'm not gonna do the next one....)
Look - looker, hmmm. Couple meanings to that one.
English is such a goofy language....
Ya slishkom malo ponimayu. Nevozmozhno ponimat'.
Gee, guys, sorry I can't say that in Latin. (chortle)
Wal, thar, ol' Hayseed, I went to a turkey shoot not long back...But your notion is certainly as good as any...

Hey, Schmit: I just knew somebody would bite! :-)

ciao, Art

[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited March 24, 1999).]

I went, I saw, I LIKE. That is IT exactly.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
The term "shootist" was first coined by a western gunfighter named Clay Allison who claimed he didn't kill anybody that didn't need killing. He objected to the term referring to him as a "gunfighter" in a newspaper, since, he felt, that gunfighters referred to hardcases that operated outside the law and were bad for the community. When the reporter asked him what was he if he wasn't a gunfighter, he replied that he was a shootist. (like "artist")
OK, that didn't work like I hoped. How do I get the name "The Shootist's Center" to be the only thing that appears as a link? Or can I do that? :o

"OK, that didn't work like I hoped. How do I get the name "The Shootist's Center" to be the only thing that appears as a link? Or can I do that?"

Now the hard part is showing it to you, if I have done it right it should be like this:

<a href="">
Please Click Here to Visit The Shottist's Center</a>

(a href="")
Please Click Here to Visit The Shottist's Center(/a)

Now replace the "(" with the lessthan bracket and replace the ")" with the more than bracket and it should work. Hope that made it as clear as mud. LOL

John - NRA - Lifer