Defensive rifles

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New member
Would a nice "sporting rifle" like a Remington 7400 or 7600 with 10 round mags I have seen ads for in Shotgun news, make a good defensive rifle. How would it compare to a true defensive rifle like the M1A or even a Mini-14. Thanks
Should probably try the Rifle forum.

My .02 is that it would be a far sight better than nothing. The 7400 is probably my next purchase. For a defensive purpose, its pretty overpowered in any caliber its chambered for. Probably the best bet is a lever action .44 or .357, maybe up to 30-30. Ruger makes a .44 autoloader now that looks real interesting.
My 30/06 742 Carbine is a fine, accurate weapon. It's a fast handling gun which points well.
I've had trouble finding good reliable metal 10 round magazines for it though.
I had a plastic one which was defective. I returned it to Ram-Line for repair.
Instead of repairing or replacing it, they informed me they no longer made those magazines and sent me a credit slip good for their merchandise. . . Not exactly what I wanted.
In any case, the mags are the weak link there and for that reason, I'll grab my Garand if the doo doo hits the fan.
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