Defensive Peeping....

Point Blank

New member
I Live in a shaky neighborhood in Atlanta,Ga.I do have 4 dogs that help keep me alerted to what's going on....especially at night when the BG's and crack cocaine boys start to run.What i am really looking for is a link or direction to where i can buy some type of "mirror" or black glass or film where i can apply that over front door so i can "peep in peace"(LOL).I have went to many auto detailers around here and glass companies with no sucess.Need something where BG wont be able to see me peepin at him at night with our living room light on...that's the catcher...found some that will work in daytime but really need at night.With lights on and me peepin even the darkest tint cast a shadowy figure(me)that the BG would see from street(50 feet).Wish i could find some "detective" glass...there's is really good!! Cant afford to move right now,but could anyone help me out?? Thanks...and Happy Thanksgiving!! P.S.--Need 3 panels or sheets 9"x23"
hey pb try an exterior light casting a glare on the glass...not only is your doorway well lit, but the glare will prevent someone from seeing that they are being observed....

You can probably get a small b&w video survelance (sp?) camera and monitor (your PC monitor maybe) cheaper than installing glass that someone would be able to see anyway if lite inside. Monitor can be placed in room with arsenal instead of standing in front of doorway (bad juju). My buddy is an electronics whiz and had a very small (fit in wallet type) camera that was very light sensitive (to IR) on a circuit board. He viewed it on his PC monitor and could watch his front porch from his basement playland. A gismo shop might be pricey, but an electronics catalog might be more reasonable.
racegunner got it right.

Knowledge is money. If you have the knack, multicamera video system very inexpensive. You already have the screen, cameras are very cheap on the surplus electronic market.

Sam...follow me, I know a shortcut
Thanks so much for the advice and links..Boy am i frustrated!!! We live on a dead end street that's very seldom patrolled by the police.House across the street is a crack shack..3 black men that sell crack out of house.Repeated calls to Narcotics and police about their activity falls on deaf ears.Only thing they wanted is to come into my house so they could survailance them..i said sick of cars parking near my house smoking their crack!!! Thoughts of vigilante have begun to sprung up but i cannot afford to pay the consequnses...Sorry about spelling!! Sometimes afraid to leave house unattended even though i have 4 dogs....Sigh....Really not that bad of a neighborhood except for that ^&!$!$$$ crackshack across the street.Thanks again..
What city do you live in?

You MAY need to let someone in to set up a camera. I know a former regional DEA supervisor who recently got promoted up to Washington.
I live in Atlanta,Ga. Twice i was asked(out of the countless calls to Narcotics,police)if i would let a pair of undercover dectectives survallince from my home.Dont get me wrong....i REALLY want to,but just hate the thought of paybacks by the dealers,burning our house down,shooting one of us,etc.Probably are suspicious enough of me as they have caught me peepin at their activities more than once,sigh.As the days progress i worry about my freedom as i feel the slightest threatening move by one of them towards my home,me or my wife,or one of our four dogs will unleash a side of me that will jepordize my freedom.Really sad,again..that one house stands in my way of peacefullness.I am constantly having to control myself as a car pulls up,purchases his crack,and pulls directly in front of my house smoking it.As my dogs are in a fenced yard they begin to bark at the crack smokers and some of them yell,etc. at my me Jesus!!!!!!!!
You could always find a nice hiding spot and videotape the activites for the Police. Get the info from another angle than your house and mail it to the Police unsigned. Just another option. Good luck.
go to your local bulding supply store. Lowes for example. They sell any kind/shade of window tint you want. I bought mirror tint for the east side windows in my house. Looks good too.
I agree - Set up the camera, etc., and let it rip. Document the license numbers of buyers, etc.

Then, after you've got a few hours of tape, send a copy to the police, a copy to the DEA, a copy to the state police, a copy to each network station, a copy to Boortz, etc.

Be REAL interesting if you have audio running during the taping, and you're calling the cops while... "Okay, I'm getting really tired of this crackhouse across the street. A car's pulling up right now. They're doing the deal. What can you do about it?" Get the cops' reply on the tape. That'll get you some TV air time...

Of course, you're gonna have to live in Condition Dark Orange for a while... Make sure your house's insurance is paid up, and keep the pooches inside.