Defense scenario MMA fighter neighbor attacks you

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First off I will say that my neighbor is a ex-marine semi-pro/pro MMA fighter. He is a very big guy and not what I would call a great guy. We are cordial and I try my best to keep it that way.

Lets say someday He decides he hates me enough to to attack me. Not a situation where he asks to fight but corners me near my car(I live in a townhome with shared parking).

What do I do?

Run/take the beating and hope he doesn't hate me enough kill me in the process and sue afterwards. Not a big fan of this option if I knew he was just going to put a beating on me I would be more than happy to take it and not have to shoot. We all know thats not the case.

Attempt to use non lethal methods but with potential just make him mad enough to kill me.

Go to last resort and shoot.

I live in Florida which states justifiable force.
Trying to prevent a forcible felony, such as rape, robbery, burglary or kidnapping.

Example of the kind of attack that will not justify defending yourself with deadly force: Two neighbors got into a fight, and one of them tried to hit the other by swinging a garden hose. The neighbor who was being attacked with the hose shot the other in the chest. The court upheld his conviction for aggravated battery with a firearm, because an attack with a garden hose is not the kind of violent assault that justifies responding with deadly force.

However, the person is justified in the use of deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.
I also a MMA fighter and a 5th degree black belt. I run to schools and train fighters.
Where I live I have to be careful about the type of force I use with my hands and feet. Because of the fact that I am a pro fighter would give the other guy more of a stance to sue me. So I am carefull about the situations I hope to never get into.....
With that being said. You know he is a tuff guy with the abbiliy to realy harm or even kill you if u were to get into a fight. So you may end up fearing for ur life in that said fight. Tread lightly laws are funny in the way they work for the attacker and not the victim
Keep in mind that I would be less likely to jump to anything if this guy just had MMA training but he is a professional and makes his living fighting and fights in the UFC(not going to mention a name).

If he was just formally trained then I feel with my basic hand to hand training I would be less concerned(honestly wouldn't know anyway).
Keep in mind that I would be less likely to jump to anything if this guy just had MMA training but he is a professional and makes his living fighting and fights in the UFC(not going to mention a name).

That also means he has a contract to lose if he gets in trouble.
It is very unlikely that he attacks. He has a lot to lose if he does. Also if he does decide to attack you then you should defend yourself to the legal extent. I myself train with MMA guys when I do Kali. I suggest you learn to play nice with the neighbor instead of fearing him. I mean keeping everything cordial is all well and good. It is always good to know your neghbor. Keep it that way. No need to fear a friend right?
Every person on the planet lives next door to someone who could kill them under the right (wrong) circumstances.

Your neighbor lives next door to a dangerous person who owns and carries firearms. I wonder if he's posting on the MMA forums right now... :D

If you are attacked and use your firearm to defend yourself, you must be able to articulate why you reasonably believed your life was in danger -- and how you had no other way to avoid that danger -- at the very moment you pull the trigger.

Closed, because this isn't going anywhere useful.

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