Defender Rear Sight


Hi: I'm new here and seeking some advice. I am a 1911 guy, haven't built one but can do most of the basic stuff on my own gun. Love the new Defender but didn't like the old style wedge (Novak looking) sights and don't like the little traditional billboard which is what's on my gun. What's more, the little bugger shot itself loose already (200 rounds). I carry everyday and its either this or my Kimber CDP ultra. The question is rear sight replacement. Saw a Millett "low profile" avilable in 3 dot configuration in Brownell's catalog. Looks like it extends the sight radius a bit (protruds behind dovetail) and might resist snagging. Anyone ever use one in a 1911? Thoughts appreciated. Ed
I fitted one of these sights on my Para Ordnance P-12 and it worked fine. As you stated it does give a longer sight radius and they are snag proof. I used the white outline rear with the orange front...the best place to buy these sights is Natchez Shooters Supply.