Defective S&W 63 Cylinder Options

Matt Sutton

New member
I picked up a very clean 1987-ish S&W 63 at an auction. The seller claims he bought it new, shot a box through it, and it sat in his safe until I purchased it.
After its first trip to the range, I found out why he never shot it again. One of the cylinders has a small void in the cylinder wall, which allows the case to bulge, making extraction very difficult. I already went the S&W factory repair route, and they returned it unmodified.
It will fire shorts through that chamber without any issues so it's not a total loss, but I'd rather have it working 100%.
Would a smithy be able to drill out the bad chamber and install a liner? Are there any other options or recommended smiths out there
Your profile doesn't say where you are. I would start with a Google search for gunsmiths in your area. Then take the revolver to have it fixed.
Would a smithy be able to drill out the bad chamber and install a liner?

Theoretically, yes, but finding somebody willing to fool with it would not likely be possible.

Your only real option is to replace the cylinder.
Yes, replacement is only reasonable fix. You don’t want shade tree guys fooling with that kind of job. I just saw a 22magnum cylinder for 63 for sale, I think was $120. It must be a custom job on a stock 63 cylinder. You might check on what reaming to 22mag would cost.
Might be economical to have done then sell or trade on another 63.
Since the gun actually works (though not well) and isn't new under warranty, the factory doesn't have to "fix" it.

Might be economical to have done then sell or trade on another 63.

Might be economical, but I wouldn't consider it ethical without informing the buyer about the problem. Unless, of course the buyer is one of those people who deserve to enjoy "let the buyer beware". :rolleyes::D
Or you could cut a piece of pencil eraser to fit the bad chamber and just be careful to close the cylinder with the bad chamber up. I'd be happy to buy it at a discount and use it that way.
I wasn’t meaning to stick someone with bad gun. I was meaning having it reamed to 22mg then selling or trading. There are a ton on 22mag nuts.