Defeate leftist subversion 101

Ladies and gentlemen,

As some of our elected representatives (and wannabes) slither over the bodies of murdered children on their mission to further subvert Liberty, I think we need to reevaluate our tactics. No outrage committed by our leadership has yet been sufficiently egregious to awaken the huge herd of grazers in our country. What are we to do?

Know your enemies.

Don't debate a leftist, you are wasting time.
Observe the tactics of RNS. RNS uses a racist moniker intended to invoke an angry response. When provided with a rational, valid response to questions, he counters with the equivalent of, 'Yes, but do you still beat your wife'? He and others of his ilk have no interest in rational discourse. His only goal was to stir up the ant hill, and boy, did he ever. Some of us reacted with justifiable outrage to his drivel, to the tune of several hundred responses. Well, that was exactly what he wanted. The crown jewel of his provocation would have been to receive threats of violence. Then, trot back to his co-conspirators and say, 'see, I told you so, these people are insane, we must take away the evil guns'. Should that ever happen, you could be featured on the news at 11. This is a classic subversive tactic. Ignore these pimples. But if you must respond, tailor your responses to negate any value to the pimple. Remember, they are dangerous, dedicated antagonists.

Those who do not have a clue of what is going on are not necessarily enemies. They are often simply ignorant or distracted by an increasingly confusing situation and guided by media manipulated 'polls'. No excuse, but that is the reality as I see it. This group is by far the largest in the country. Members often believe in truth, justice and the American way, but are so blinded by media propaganda, that they do nothing. We need to actively reach out to these people whenever possible. Many on this board already do that. A good example is posting to the Rosie board. Every pair of eyes opened, is a small victory.

Go with what works and maximize usage of resources available.

The 'Save the children' scam used ad nauseam by the leftists to subvert Liberty is one of the most brilliant applications of propaganda EVER. And yes, many people are stupid enough to believe it. Well crafted propaganda works, but we do not have to lie. The truth is on our side. The leftists are giving us all kinds of ammunition. Use it. We must attack our enemies with the truth when the advantage presents itself, and, at a level even the idiots can understand. Think about it. Had I titled this post 'Children more vulnerable to nuclear attack due to Clinton administration corruption', would you at least read it? I guarantee that many grazers would. And guess what? It is the truth. Find a web site where fence sitters might hang out. Post a simple, truthful, non-sarcastic 'Save the children' message. You might be surprised at the response. We can't win the battle unless we penetrate enemy and neutral territory.

Most in the media are actively supporting the subversion of our rights and are closed to rational thought. The web is the last electronic avenue fully open to supporters of the Constitution. Rest assured that the forces of evil have their eye on closing the web to discussion also. I detect a small shift of public opinion in our favor. Maybe some of the herd is finally waking up. By using the web effectively, we might be able to gain more supporters.