Deer season over, with a lot of firsts! (long read)


New member
As the title states deer season is over here in Alabama. I wasn't as successful as I would've liked, but I was able to bag me a big doe this past Friday. I am a relatively new hunter w/ only 3 years experience of serious hunting. I had a long time friend and a co-worker, that are very experienced hunters take me under their wing to give advice and help me all along the way.

I am forever grateful for their help and I hope that one day I can pass on the knowledge I've gained to someone else to keep the tradition going. As I said I have been seriously deer hunting for the last 3 years. I was successful in my first year and bagged me a big mature doe. At 28yrs old shot my first deer.

Last year I ended my second year of deer hunting empty handed, but it was a great year as my wife got her first deer. I however, never got to pull the trigger so my season ended empty handed.

Fast forward to this year and although it wasn't as successful as I'd had liked it was a great year and I sure did learn alot and several first time experiences...
This year was the first time I've had a deer "blow" at me. When it happened I had no idea what it was as I never saw a deer, it scared the crap out of me honestly.

This 3rd year was the first time I have ever seen an owl in the wild...WOW what a beautiful creature, just wish those dang blue jays would have left him alone. He eventually flew off and I never saw him again.

This first is gonna be hard to believe guys, but I am just gonna come out and say it. I saw a black panther! I was sitting in a stand one evening watching a crossing along a barb wire fence that deer will use and come up the hill right towards me. All of a sudden I saw a very large animal that looked walked and acted just like a cat. The tail was as long as its body, I saw it for 3-4 seconds at around 100 yards away, by the time I realized what I was looking at it was gone. Never to be seen again.

This other first for me was a bang/flop on the doe that I shot. The area I was hunting was pretty thick. I had to watch her in my scope for several minuted till she finally gave me a good shot to the vitals. I am proud of myself as I was a cool as ice and kept all my emotions under control (for now). Distance was 117yds and I hit her right at the base of the neck clipping the point of the shoulder. The bullet went on to hit the offside lung and came to rest just under the skin on the offside. The deer never took another step. I shot her with a 7mm 120gr Nosler Ballistic Tip at an estimated 2750fps. WHOA seeing that deer fall like made me just like a lil child that can't sit still. I was literally shaking and couldn't get myself under control. I got "buck fever" on a doe Thankfully it was after I had pulled the trigger.

So there was my year firsts, Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it. CHEERS!!! Here is to next year.

Glad to hear you've been enjoying the outdoors these last few years. Neat to encounter people who appreciate nature and aren't just out there to kill something. I never consider heading out and having a day outside in peace and quiet to myself to be a waste of time. If I can fill my tag great, but if not there's no loss in it.
black panthers

Hello CarJunkie. Here in AL myself of course. Would be curious to hear what part of the state you're hunting, particularly regards to the cat sighting. I'll send you a PM. I have heard many accounts of "black panther" sightings from locals and while on the job (well, now I'm retired, but).

Regards your season. Sounds to me like you're ruined, and will have the same issues now through life as the rest of us who are struck with the hunting fever.
Pick your job and wife understanding spouse and boss is a big help. If it's too late for that, tread lightly the rest of the year, maybe it'll help come next season!

Holding off for a clear shot is to be commended, I'm pretty sure that with that presence of mind that more success is sure to be in your future.

Regards getting a bit rattled, well, if I ever stop getting at least a bit nervy when game shows up, I think I'll quit.

Best wishes on future seasons.
Bamaranger thank you for the kind words. I have been shooting guns all my life so in that field I have experience, but when it comes to deer hunting I got a very late start in life (28yrs old). I did have years of experience as a teen with small game i.e. rabbits, dove, squirrel, etc.

I consider myself very fortunate as my wife enjoys shooting and hunting like I do, not a real issue there :) I also have had 2 hunting mentors for the last few years a co-worker and friend of mine, and a man from my church who was like a second dad to me when I was a teen. They taught me everything I know, and from day one told me wait, wait, wait for the perfect shot. When you get it all your range time, hand loading, etc. will pay off. So far it has been 2 shots and 2 dead deer, and they have been going shorter distances. First deer went about 20yards second deer went less than 5ft. Here is to next year :D