Deer Meat Put to Good Use


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I thought you all might be interested. This Letter to the Editor ran in tha Marin Independent Journal. A newspaper that serves Marin County, CA (the county on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge).

Deer meat put to good use
In recent months, the controversial practice of culling deer from the Point Reyes National Seashore has been taking place, with some of the meat being donated to the Redwood Empire Food Bank in Santa Rosa.
The Redwood Empire Food Bank now reaches more than 50,000 people each month in Sonoma County. Providing 10.5 million pounds of food annually, we distribute enough food to feed lunch to a sellout crowd at AT&T Park in San Francisco every day of the baseball season.

As a director of a hunger relief organization, I am dismayed at the lack of outrage for people who are struggling to keep their families well nourished.

Undoubtedly, the taking of any animal's life is sad and weighs heavy on us all. But, what I see every day of the year is the culling of our low-income neighbors in need of food assistance.

It is the child who goes to school hungry and is unprepared to learn, and diets that are low in iron, resulting in a high incidence of anemia - the detrimental effects which last a lifetime. As one single mother said to me recently, "My daughter and I have been living out of a bag of rice."

In these times of rising food prices, you can be sure that people who have received the meat are grateful and the lives of the deer were not taken in vain. Food from these animals affords the opportunity for the people with whom we share our communities to have a better chance to live healthy and productive lives.

David Goodman, Novato, executive director, Redwood Empire Food Bank
Undoubtedly, the taking of any animal's life is sad and weighs heavy on us all.

I don't think the killing of animals to feed people in need is sad at all.

The state and/or NPS is killing two birds with one stone (:rolleyes:). I applaud them for managing a healthy deer herd and feeding hungry folks.
You have to take my letter in context of the location, readership, and political environment. In this case, I am acknowledging the concern, but emphasising the value in the end. It's politics I suppose.
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As a hunter, I think it is sad that we are culling animals and wasting the meat. Death for anything is sad, but wasting the meat is inexcusable.
here in N. Carolina there is 'hunters for the hungry' that contributes much deer meat to homeless shelters and food banks. some areas in the Peidmont around the big farms are litterally over-run with deer some of which get taken by hunters with depradation permits. much of that meat goes to 'food banks'. congrats on your efforts - and thoughtfullness. BTW venison makes very tasty kabobs! and chili, and stew, and pot pie (one of my favorites) and lasagna, and swiis steak - etc. cooked in a sauce is a very good way to prepare the sometimes-tougher meat.