Deer hunting Turkey's figures.


New member
I headed out to my pop up on a cold cold Thanksgiving morning and settled in 35 minutes before shooting time ready for action. I took my 44 mag S&W, a set of shooting sticks, and the back pack with my new Little Buddy heater. I just new I would be connecting on a nice deer and going home to enjoy some football and dinner soon after. It was 13 degrees when I hit the door of the pop up and when it was light enough, I fired the heater up. That was great......I was snug and toasty the entire time I was sitting. I hunted from 6:30 to 11:30.

Well somebody didn't tell the deer what the plan was because they never showed. But guess what showed on turkey day???? As I said I guess it figures. Here are a few pics from the morning. 9 hens total BTW.


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Here's a couple more.

Gun well located to my right and shooting sticks between the two shooting windows. I was ready.........oh the humanity.


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I kindof had that. I went on a deer hunt. only saw does, my partner blasted and blasted away like it ws vietnam and didn't even manage to wing the buck he was after and when I went to pick him up there was a feller turkey calling like crazy so... I didn't see any deer worth shooting and heard a fake turkey so that must at least count for half credit right?
I went out too. Packing the chest carry 44 Mag as well as the long range scoped 20ga. Nothing seen this time but tracks left in the snow. Fresh tracks too because it had been snowing a lot and just stopped. Snow varied from 12 to 15 inches. Packed it up at 9am then returned home for chores, meal prep and guests. Guests enjoyed spicy stix from opening day and deer camp stories while the bird was in the oven.
Got out well before light with my father. I was just pointing out to him a nice doe about 200 yards out in thick brush when a 200# five pointer decided to be my first buck. Funny thing is when it had its head down thrashing in the laurel I could have sworn up and down it was a turkey.